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联系方式 babylanguagelearning@gmail.com
 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-16 11:31 | 只看该作者


刘志军1,2 王海梅2 孙 玲2 阴军莉2 贾秀珍2
(1·湖南科技大学教育学院, 湘潭 411201;
2·北京师范大学发展心理研究所, 北京100875)

1 问题的提出
个体外因素主要指个体自身以外的并对他有影响的因素如家庭、学校和社区等。这里我们主要考虑家庭,家庭是儿童早期的最重要的活动场所和儿童社会化的主要环境。存在于亲子之间的教养方式是家庭的人文环境。Cusson就发现母亲教养的敏感性与提高婴儿的语言能力有正相关。[7] Belsky提出父母教养方式的生态模型后,研究者常将父母的教养方式与儿童的气质联合起来考虑,TomasChess等发现儿童气质与父母教养方式之间存在相互作用,一定的教养方式在一定的气质背景下发生作用。Fish M等研究得出在儿童早期交流技能上得高分的婴儿可由较积极的母亲和儿童的气质所辨认,儿童和母亲的相互作用变量在学前期要比在婴儿期可解释更多的儿童心理变化[8]。但也有研究指出父母教养方式的某些因子要通过中介变量起作用。而国内研究者邬佩霞[9]、万国斌[10]和张涌静[2]等人研究了两者对儿童心理发展的单独或交互的相互作用,但这些研究主要集中在认知领域。况且曾琦等曾指出我国的教养方式有不同于西方的特点[11]。基于这种研究的不一致性和文化差异的情况,本研究一方面想进一步验证父母教养方式在中国文化背景下对儿童的语言能力是否有直接影响。另一方面想研究儿童的气质与父母的教养方式间是否有相互影响,且这种作用对儿童的语言表达水平是否有影响。
2 研究方法
2·1 被试
2·2 实验室观察资料
2·2·1 儿童气质的观察
2·2·2 儿童语言表达水平的观察
2·3 问卷材料
由一名实验员陪同父母在另一房间按照父母教养方式Q分类卡片(Child Rearing Practices Q
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-16 11:13 | 只看该作者


From Werker, J. F., Byers-Heinlein, K., & Fennell, C. (2009). Bilingual beginnings to learning words. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 364(1536), 3649-3663.
Auditory language discrimination(对不同语言的区分)
There is evidence that even in the first months of life, bilingual infants have perceptual abilities(感知能力) that allow them to discriminate(区分) their two languages. The first test of this came from a study with bilingual 4-month-old Spanish–Catalan-learning infants (Bosch & Sebastia´n-Galle´s 2001). Infants were first familiarized (熟悉)to sentences from one language or the other. Following familiarization, they were tested in a head turn preference procedure(转头倾向法). In this task, a flashing light(闪烁的灯) draws the infants’ attention to one side of a testing booth. Sentences from one of the languages are played as long as the infant orients towards (转向)the light. If infants can discriminate between the two languages, they are expected to show a different reaction when the familiarized language is played than when the non-familiarized language is played. In this study, Spanish–Catalan bilinguals showed the expected ‘novelty preference’ (新鲜事物倾向性)of looking longer during trials when the non-familiarized language was played. Indeed, their ability to discriminate the two languages was similar to that shown by monolingual infants of the same age. The strength of this finding lies in the fact that Spanish and Catalan are rhythmically similar languages(节奏相似的两种语言). Past research with monolingual newborns (Mehler et al. 1988; Nazzi et al. 1998), and 5- month-olds (Nazzi et al. 2000) has shown that discrimination of rhythmically similar languages is not evident at birth, but instead develops over the first few months of life in relation to language experience (Nazzi & Ramus 2003). Thus, the discrimination of Spanish and Catalan presents the most stringent test of bilingual infants’ ability to distinguish their native languages early in development.
Bosch, L. & Sebastia´n-Galle´s, N. 2003 Simultaneous bilingualism and the perception of a language-specific vowel contrast in the first year of life. Lang. Speech 46, 217–243. (doi:10.1177/00238309030460020801)

Mehler, J., Jusczyk, P. W., Lambertz, G., Halsted, N., Bertoncini, J. & Amiel-Tison, C. 1988 A precursor of language acquisition in young infants. Cognition 29, 143–178. (doi:10.1016/0010-0277(88)90035-2)

Nazzi, T. & Ramus, F. 2003 Perception and acquisition of linguistic rhythm by infants. Speech Commun. 41,

233–243. (doi:10.1016/S0167-6393(02)00106-1)

Nazzi, T., Bertoncini, J. & Mehler, J. 1998 Language discrimination by newborns: toward an understanding of

the role of rhythm. J. Exp. Psychol. Hum. Percept. Perform. 24, 756–766. (doi:10.1037/0096-1523.24.3.756)

Nazzi, T., Jusczyk, P. W. & Johnson, E. K. 2000 Language discrimination by English-learning 5-month-olds: effects of rhythm and familiarity. J. Mem. Lang. 43, 1–19. (doi:10.1006/jmla.2000.2698)
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-18 10:49 | 只看该作者


From Werker, J. F., & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2008). Bilingualism in infancy: First steps in perception and comprehension of language. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12(4), 144-151
Setting up sound systems(建立语音系统)

The smallest unit in language is the phonetic segment(音段), the individual consonant(辅音) and vowel (元音)sounds that comprise syllables(音节) and words. Very young infants are able to discriminate many consonant and vowel distinctions(对立) that are used in the world’s languages, but sensitivity to nonnative distinctions (非母语语音对立)declines over the first year of life [22] while discrimination of native distinctions sharpens [23]. Converging evidence from studies of maternal speech [24,25], artificial language learning studies with infants [26,27] and computer modeling studies [28,29], suggests that infants use distributional regularities(分布规律) in the input to learn their native phonetic categories. For example, unlike English, Japanese makes a distinction between short and long vowels. This is evident as a bimodal distribution of vowel lengths in Japanese, but not English, mothers’ speech [24]. This type of distributional information could allow Japanese infants to infer two categories and English infants only one [26,27].
Bilingual infants simultaneously encounter phonetic segments from two languages, each with its own distribution. Fluent adult bilinguals who acquired both of their languages from birth can discriminate phonetic distinctions in each of their languages, although they often perform better in their dominant language. However, if they acquired one language after the other (sometimes called sequential bilinguals), there are phonetic distinctions for which they show poorer discrimination in the second language [30,31].
There are still only a handful of studies of the process by which bilingual infants establish the phonetic categories of each of their languages. One study of Spanish-Catalan bilingual infants suggested that bilingual infants might temporarily merge two vowel categories at 8 months while successfully discriminating the vowels at younger and older ages (4 and 12 months) [32]. An initial study of French-English bilinguals indicated that consonant perception might show a similar pattern, whereby consonant categories across the two languages were merged at age 10–12 months before separating again [33]. However, in a subsequent analysis with a larger sample, infants showed discrimination of the consonant boundaries in both of their languages throughout the first year of life [34]. Similarly, bilingual French-English infants maintain the ability to discriminate a French/d/from an English/d/[35]. These studies show that although sometimes showing a unique developmental pattern, bilingual infants are able to discriminate vowel and consonant distinctions in each of their languages by the end of the first year of life. The complexity of the pattern of results could reflect the variability among bilinguals as a function of different amounts of exposure to each language.
Even as infants maintain discrimination of phonemes in the native language, they also must learn the rules for allowable sequences of these phonemes (the phonotactics)(语音搭配组合顺序). Monolingual infants can use both absolute frequency information (频率信息)[36] and distributional statistics (分布统计)to learn the phonotactic patterns of the native language [37,38]. Recent evidence indicates that bilingual infants show a different pattern of phonotactic learning from monolinguals. When tested at age 10 months, Spanish-Catalan bilinguals who were dominant in Catalan showed phonotactic preferences similar to same-aged Catalan monolinguals, whereas the performance of Spanish-dominant bilinguals was between that of Catalan and Spanish monolinguals [39]. These results suggest that even among bilinguals, differences in the amount of exposure to each language can have consequences for language learning.
22 Werker, J.F. and Tees, R.C. (1984) Cross-language speech perception: evidence for perceptual reorganization during the first year of life. Infant Behav. Dev. 7, 49–63

23 Kuhl, P.K. et al. (2006) Infants show a facilitation effect for native language phonetic perception between 6 and 12 months. Dev. Sci. 9, F13–F21

24 Werker, J.F. et al. (2007) Infant-directed speech supports phonetic category learning in English and Japanese. Cognition 103, 147–162

25 Kuhl, P.K. et al. (1997) Cross-language analysis of phonetic units in language addressed to infants. Science 277, 684–686

26 Maye, J. et al. (2002) Infant sensitivity to distributional information can affect phonetic discrimination. Cognition 82, B101–B111

27 Maye, J. et al. (2008) Statistical phonetic learning in infants: facilitation and feature generalization. Dev. Sci. 11, 122–134

28 McMurray, B. et al. Statistical learning of phonetic categories: insights from a computational approach. Dev. Sci. (in press)

29 Vallabha, G.K. et al. (2007) Unsupervised learning of vowel categories from infant-directed speech. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 104, 13273–13278

30 Sebastia´n-Galle´s, N. and Bosch, L. (2005) Phonology and bilingualism. In Handbook of Bilingualism: Psycholinguistic Approaches (Kroll, J.F. and de Groot, A.M.B., eds), pp. 68–87, Oxford University Press 31 Bosch, L. et al. (2000) First and second language vowel perception in early bilinguals. Eur. J. Cogn. Psychol. 12, 189–221

32 Bosch, L. and Sebastia´n-Galle´s, N. (2003) Simultaneous bilingualism and the perception of a language-specific vowel contrast in the first year of life. Lang. Speech 46, 217–243

33 Burns, T.C. et al. (2003) Development of phonetic categories in infants raised in bilingual and monolingual environments. In Proceedings of the 27th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (Beachley, B. et al., eds), pp. 173–184, Cascadilla Press

34 Burns, T.C. et al. (2007) The development of phonetic representation in bilingual and monolingual infants. Appl. Psycholinguist. 28, 455–474

35 Sundara, M. et al. Development of coronal stop perception: bilingual infants keep pace with their monolingual peers. Cognition (in press)

36 Jusczyk, P.W. et al. (1994) Infants’ sensitivity to phonotactic patterns in the native language. J. Mem. Lang. 33, 630–645

37 Chambers, K.E. et al. (2003) Infants learn phonotactic regularities from brief auditory experiences. Cognition 87, B69–B77

38 Thiessen, E.D. and Saffran, J.R. (2003) When cues collide: Use of stress and statistical cues to word boundaries by 7- to 9-month-old infants. Dev. Psychol. 39, 706–716

39 Sebastia´n-Galle´s, N. and Bosch, L. (2002) Building phonotactic knowledge in bilinguals: role of early exposure. J. Exp. Psychol.

Hum. Percept. Perform. 28, 974–989

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-24 11:38 | 只看该作者


From Werker, J. F., & Byers-Heinlein, K. (2008). Bilingualism in infancy: First steps in perception and comprehension of language. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12(4), 144-151

Language discrimination

Language discrimination is an essential task for the bilingual infant. Infants born into a monolingual home need to treat all the speech they hear or see as comprising a single language, whereas bilingual infants need to distinguish and separate speech input into two languages. Even in the one-person-one-language context, the infant needs to determine which differences between speakers are characteristics of the individual speaking and which are characteristics of the language they are using and then use this information in interactions with new speakers (Box 1). It was once widely believed that bilingual children begin acquisition with a default assumption that all language input is part of a single language and that they only separate their languages after establishing an initial lexicon and syntax [5]. Although there is ample evidence that a bilingual’s two languages do influence each other [6], there is also increasing evidence, which will be reviewed below, that bilingual infants commence the process of language acquisition by separating the languages from the start [7–9].
Box 1. Language mixing in early bilingualism

Parents considering exposing their children to two languages early in life are sometimes concerned that their child will become confused and/or will experience a language delay. Part of this concern arises owing to the common phenomenon of code mixing, whereby children mix words in two languages across a single utterance or situation. As will be noted below, code mixing does not imply language confusion. Nonetheless, some parents of bilingual children adhere to a strict one-person-one-language policy in an attempt to minimize confusion.
There is little evidence to suggest that the one-person-one-language approach is advantageous, compared with other types of bilingual exposure. There also is little evidence to support the claim that early bilingualism leads to language confusion and/or delay in language acquisition. Indeed, all estimates suggest that the incidence of language disability is equivalent in bilingual and inmonolingual children [53], and bilingual children pass language milestones at an age similar to monolinguals [54–56].
Rather than indicating confusion, research with young children has suggested that code mixing might reflect a child’s attempt to communicate given limited linguistic resources. Children often seem to use words from a nontarget language when they do not know an appropriate word in the target language [57]. Moreover, code mixing in children is better characterized as rule governed rather than haphazard, and the rules that children’s mixing follow are similar to those that characterize adult mixing [58].
Other studies of young bilinguals have shown that even when they produce mixed utterances, bilingual children do show sensitivity to the language choice of their interlocutor. Two-year-old bilingual children reliably increase the proportion of words from a given language to match the language used by an interlocutor, either a stranger or a parent with whom that language is normally spoken [59,60]. Young bilingual children also are able to match their rates of code mixing to the rate modeled by an adult interlocutor [61].
The majority/minority status of the language also interacts with language dominance to influence the language choices of young children. A study of bilingual French-English 3- and 4-year-olds in a setting where French was the minority language revealed that English words were used in a French context more often than French words were used in an English context. Moreover, there was an interaction with language dominance. French-dominant children were more successful at using each of their languages appropriately when required, whereas English-dominant children showed more code mixing when speaking in a French context [62]. All of these findings suggest that instead of indicating confusion between the two languages, there are systematic factors that account for bilingual children’s code mixing.
5 Volterra, V. and Taeschner, T. (1978) The acquisition and development of language by bilingual children. J. Child Lang. 5, 311–326
6 Lanza, E. (2000) Concluding remarks: language contact–a dilemma for the bilingual child or for the linguist? In Cross-Linguistic Structures in Simultaneous Bilingualism (Do¨pke, S., ed.), pp. 227–245, John Benjamins Publishing Company
7 Meisel, J.M. (2001) The simultaneous acquisition of two first languages: early differentiation and subsequent development of
grammars. In Trends in Bilingual Acquisition (Cenoz, J. and Genesee, F., eds), pp. 11–41, John Benjamins Publishing Company
8 Genesee, F. (1989) Early bilingual development: one language or two? J. Child Lang. 16, 161–179
9 Bosch, L. and Sebastia´n-Galle´s, N. (2001) Early language differentiation in bilingual infants. In Trends in Bilingual Acquisition (Cenoz, J. and Genesee, F., eds), pp. 71–93, John Benjamins Publishing Company
53 Paradis, J. (2007) Bilingual children with specific language impairment: theoretical and applied issues. Appl. Psycholinguist. 28, 551–564

54 Oller, D.K. et al. (1997) Development of precursors to speech in infants exposed to two languages. J. Child Lang. 24, 407–425

55 Holowka, S. et al. (2002) Semantic and conceptual knowledge underlying bilingual babies’ first signs and words. Lang. Learn. 52, 205–262

56 Pearson, B.Z. et al. (1993) Lexical development in bilingual infants and toddlers: comparison to monolingual norms. Lang. Learn. 43, 93–120

57 Deuchar, M. and Quay, S. (1999) Language choice in the earliest utterances: a case study with methodological implications. J. Child Lang. 26, 461–475

58 Paradis, J. et al. (2000) Early emergence of structural constraints on code-mixing: evidence from French-English bilingual children. Biling. Lang. Cogn. 3, 245–261

59 Genesee, F. et al. (1995) Language differentiation in early bilingual development. J. Child Lang. 22, 611–631

60 Genesee, F. et al. (1996) Talking with strangers: a study of bilingual children’s communicative competence. Appl. Psycholinguist. 17, 427–442

61 Comeau, L. et al. (2003) The modeling hypothesis and child bilingual code mixing. Int. J. Biling. 7, 113

62 Paradis, J. and Nicoladis, E. (2007) The influence of dominance and sociolinguistic context on bilingual preschoolers’ language choice. Int. J. Biling. Educ. Biling. 10, 277–297
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-4 11:52 | 只看该作者



格沃兹捷夫(Gvozdev,гвоздев, 1961 )的报告中说,从发出第一个词到正确地应用,
成人:小小子,坐门—         陶陶:墩。
哭着喊着要媳—                  妇。
要媳—                          ,



成人:这是什么车?              陶陶:可能是捷达。
:把冰箱门关上去。              :已经关上了。
刚才有只蚊子飞过去了。         爸爸肯定在家。

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-21 11:29 | 只看该作者




研究者进一步发现,所有的婴儿都能呀呀练声,那些听不到别人说话的人也会,但聋儿的呀呀练声不久即消失了。不过,如果听力困难在早期就已被诊断出来了,父母开始用手势语与孩子交流,这些聋儿也能在同等水平上,以一种与听力很好的婴儿相似的方式,形成类似于呀呀练声的手势语(Pettito &Marentette,1991)。当成人向聋儿比划手势语时,他们会重复这一手势或相似的手势(每一手势代表了一个音节);他们甚至会用手势语练习发声,一遍又一遍地使用同一手势。(自《孩子在不断变化的世界———发展与社会问题》第二版,第227页。Edward F. Zigler,Matia Finn Stevenson )





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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-15 14:54 | 只看该作者




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