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发表于 2004-5-14 13:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
1、我最近嘴右侧长了小水疱,我想可能是缺维生素,有哪位朋友知道我该吃什么吗?我本人长吃苹果、香蕉和草莓,有时吃些李子。 蔬菜吗,吃些青辣椒、白菜、豆腐、豆角、洋葱(不多)、西红柿(不多)等。还常吃些坚果类。:confused:  :rolleyes: 5 `" e4 G- I: f! e

- Y1 n( V# l9 o: e( n9 k2、我朋友最近生孩子了,是第一个呀! :p ,我应该送小宝宝(男宝宝)什么礼物呢?还有,如果我要给朋友炖鱼汤,要用什么样的鱼,是不是必需活的?哪里有活鱼卖呀? :confused: & f3 A) e) g- [# U& s( o  A

) U/ Y, r# n7 R. T* e谢谢大家!!
1 f9 Y* Z/ u$ r: R% b祝大家愉快!! :p
 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-19 20:09 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-5-19 20:05 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-5-18 13:55 | 只看该作者
HI Rosefoever,1 m. i) q1 y3 D! m8 P3 m6 q

- \" i$ V- B3 p+ t) W4 sI checked for you.  You are missing vitamin B2 in your body for the reason why there is bubble next to your mouth.  Have some animal liver and green vege that may help. You may find liver in Maxi, Metro, Iga, etc.
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发表于 2004-5-14 14:59 | 只看该作者
;) u r welcome
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-14 14:53 | 只看该作者
非常感谢BMB朋友的回复,我要试试你说的法子啦! 还有你的信息对我很重要,很谢谢啦!祝周末愉快! :p
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发表于 2004-5-14 14:35 | 只看该作者
I only know the answer of the second question.  You can find fresh fish in Chinatown, on St-Lauren street towards rue viger there is a fish store called 'Yong li'  ask for African Ji Yu, it's about a bit over one pound per fish which may cost you around six dollar something for one.   Hot oil in the pan fry chilves, ginger and fish for 15 minutes till brownyish, out in the pot pour in water till all covered, bring to boil, seasoning with sault and peper if like.  The color of the soup should be white idealy.  It is good for the woman who need to milk their baby personally.  Of course it is better to have the living fish than the dead or forzen one for cooking.2 _  Q$ }* x/ o9 W; g2 ?8 f

" X1 S7 f  N  `' T* rBaby clothes or toys are normally given as gifts during visits.+ i0 F& X, Q4 p5 Y$ Z  w# t# Z0 F

: l( B9 X2 y  ?+ J  R. F- o8 @For the first question, you may be missing vitamin E. but I am not sure.  If you go to Chinatown, ask the person working in the Chinese Pharmacy for a try.
9 h  j# T- L, z1 @# c  x   ~) s) n4 B+ a( v9 L6 g  F0 v
Lots to take care of when you live alone! Good luck
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