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开帖: 交流到美国买什么车合适和经验

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发表于 2010-7-24 10:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-24 10:32 | 只看该作者
just wanted to relay my experience driving a U.S. plated rental car  into Canada as a landed permanent resident, as I know there is some  confusion about this. I landed in February, but returned to the U.S. in  preparation to move in September. I made a trip up to Canada last  weekend via rental car to meet with a real estate agent. About an hour  from the border, I remembered the issue of driving a U.S. car in Canada  as a PR and thought there may be a problem crossing, so I called the  border and asked. There response was that even though I am a landed  permanent resident in Canada, I can still drive a U.S. plated car into  the country as long as I have not "established a residence in Canada."  In other words, if the answer to the question "Where do you live?" is  still somewhere in the United States, you can drive a U.S. plated car in  Canada. I subsequently arrived at the border and had no problems  entering with the car. This is just my personal expeirence, but I  thought others might benefit.
Post by plaoliang;2634575
Should you buy your new car in the U.S.?
                               You may save loonies, but the process might drive you loony

                                  Despite  the alignment of the Canadian and U.S. dollars, there's a big  difference in car prices across the border, especially                                     when it comes to luxury models. The  average sticker prices for new cars and light trucks is about $8,000, or  26 percent, less                                     in the U.S. than in Canada,  according to a recent Consumer Reports analysis. The difference  on some luxury models runs to tens of thousands of dollars. With such  gaps, it's hardly surprising                                     that the number of new and used cars  Canadians imported from the U.S. in 2007 has more than doubled in  recent years, to 189,738                                     vehicles.

In response, some automakers are dropping prices and adding extra incentives on vehicles purchased in Canada. Many cars remain                                     cheaper to buy in the U.S., however. Should you buy there? Here's what to consider:

Q Can I export the model I want?
Some  manufacturers, including Acura, BMW, Chrysler, General Motors, Honda,  Lexus, and Toyota, prohibit their U.S. dealers                                     from selling vehicles for export.  Such prohibitions, along with generally higher Canadian car prices, have  spurred Canadian                                     consumers to file a $2 billion  class-action lawsuit and a discrimination complaint against automakers  and dealers. While Subaru                                     permits cross-border sales, it's  making them less appealing by eliminating incentives to its U.S. dealers  for cars sold for                                     export, and Canadians who export  U.S. Subarus no longer qualify for rebates or other incentives, says Joe  Spitz, Internet                                     sales manager for a Seattle Subaru  dealer. As a result, he says, the savings for Canadians buying an  Outback 2.5i from his                                     dealership rather than in British  Columbia dropped from $12,000 to $7,000. Moreover, we couldn't find a  single carmaker willing                                     to finance the purchase or lease of a  U.S. vehicle headed north, which means you may not be able to take  advantage of some                                     promotions.

Q Will the car meet Canadian standards?
Canada  prohibits outright the import of some 2008 and earlier U.S. vehicles  because they can't be modified to meet Canadian                                     vehicle standards. Other vehicles  can be imported only after they've been modified to address Canada's  safety requirements.

Q Can I get warranty coverage in Canada?
The  U.S. warranty might be invalid in Canada or, as with Chryslers, invalid  on both sides of the border once the car is exported.                                     Even if the U.S. warranty is valid  in Canada, some benefits might differ or be unavailable.

Q Are U.S. models and trim lines the same in Canada, and can I easily compare them?
Canadian  and U.S. models might have different options, even when their options  packages bear the same names. Some examples:                                     Canadian-bound Toyotas come standard  with heavy-duty alternators, batteries, and weather stripping, as well  as extra paint                                     protection. The base Volvo XC70  costs $9,720 more in Canada than in the U.S., but any potential savings  are offset by features                                     that cost $1,700 extra in the U.S.,  including heated front seats and heated windshield-washer nozzles.

Q Am I ready for the paperwork?
Importing a car involves red tape on both sides of the border, including advance notifications and inspections, that can take                                     a week or longer. Erring along the way can delay or even undo the importation process.

Q Have I factored in taxes and fees?
Those  could offset potential savings by thousands of dollars; see the  checklist on the next page for details. For example,                                     importing a gas-guzzler makes you  subject to Canada's "green levy" of up to $4,000, and yet an imported  fuel-efficient vehicle                                     is ineligible for the federal  ecoAUTO rebate of up to $2,000. Dependin
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-24 10:28 | 只看该作者
Should you buy your new car in the U.S.?
                               You may save loonies, but the process might drive you loony

                                  Despite  the alignment of the Canadian and U.S. dollars, there's a big  difference in car prices across the border, especially                                     when it comes to luxury models. The  average sticker prices for new cars and light trucks is about $8,000, or  26 percent, less                                     in the U.S. than in Canada,  according to a recent Consumer Reports analysis. The difference  on some luxury models runs to tens of thousands of dollars. With such  gaps, it's hardly surprising                                     that the number of new and used cars  Canadians imported from the U.S. in 2007 has more than doubled in  recent years, to 189,738                                     vehicles.

In response, some automakers are dropping prices and adding extra incentives on vehicles purchased in Canada. Many cars remain                                     cheaper to buy in the U.S., however. Should you buy there? Here's what to consider:

Q Can I export the model I want?
Some  manufacturers, including Acura, BMW, Chrysler, General Motors, Honda,  Lexus, and Toyota, prohibit their U.S. dealers                                     from selling vehicles for export.  Such prohibitions, along with generally higher Canadian car prices, have  spurred Canadian                                     consumers to file a $2 billion  class-action lawsuit and a discrimination complaint against automakers  and dealers. While Subaru                                     permits cross-border sales, it's  making them less appealing by eliminating incentives to its U.S. dealers  for cars sold for                                     export, and Canadians who export  U.S. Subarus no longer qualify for rebates or other incentives, says Joe  Spitz, Internet                                     sales manager for a Seattle Subaru  dealer. As a result, he says, the savings for Canadians buying an  Outback 2.5i from his                                     dealership rather than in British  Columbia dropped from $12,000 to $7,000. Moreover, we couldn't find a  single carmaker willing                                     to finance the purchase or lease of a  U.S. vehicle headed north, which means you may not be able to take  advantage of some                                     promotions.

Q Will the car meet Canadian standards?
Canada  prohibits outright the import of some 2008 and earlier U.S. vehicles  because they can't be modified to meet Canadian                                     vehicle standards. Other vehicles  can be imported only after they've been modified to address Canada's  safety requirements.

Q Can I get warranty coverage in Canada?
The  U.S. warranty might be invalid in Canada or, as with Chryslers, invalid  on both sides of the border once the car is exported.                                     Even if the U.S. warranty is valid  in Canada, some benefits might differ or be unavailable.

Q Are U.S. models and trim lines the same in Canada, and can I easily compare them?
Canadian  and U.S. models might have different options, even when their options  packages bear the same names. Some examples:                                     Canadian-bound Toyotas come standard  with heavy-duty alternators, batteries, and weather stripping, as well  as extra paint                                     protection. The base Volvo XC70  costs $9,720 more in Canada than in the U.S., but any potential savings  are offset by features                                     that cost $1,700 extra in the U.S.,  including heated front seats and heated windshield-washer nozzles.

Q Am I ready for the paperwork?
Importing a car involves red tape on both sides of the border, including advance notifications and inspections, that can take                                     a week or longer. Erring along the way can delay or even undo the importation process.

Q Have I factored in taxes and fees?
Those  could offset potential savings by thousands of dollars; see the  checklist on the next page for details. For example,                                     importing a gas-guzzler makes you  subject to Canada's "green levy" of up to $4,000, and yet an imported  fuel-efficient vehicle                                     is ineligible for the federal  ecoAUTO rebate of up to $2,000. Dependin
Post by plaoliang;2634569


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