最近各云端存储服务都在抢攻 Andorid 市场,从 Google有意推出Google Drive、到 Box(原Box.net)大手笔开放 Android 用户免费空间;老牌Dropbox更不甘示弱,新版 Dropbox2.1加入照片自动上传功能,可透过3G/WiFi在后台自动上传,还送3GB免费空间。
获得方法:下载最新Dropbox客户端,在Andorid手机(iPhone再次无缘)上选择Camera Upload,将手机上的照片上传到Dropbox,第一次上传会得到500M,每当用户上传500M,就会获得500M容量,最多6次,最大获得3G容量。此方法对所有Dropbox免费用户都有效。官方原文:
Hey everyone,
We've released out latest build to the Android Market. There are two major features:
• Automatically uploads photos and videos in the background using Wi-Fi or data plan
• Upload files of any size
We wanted to give a heads up that new users of Camera Upload will get 500 MB after their first successful automatic upload. New users will receive up to a total of 3 GB additional free space for photos and videos automatically uploaded via the desktop or mobile apps.
Forum build users who enabled Camera Upload before today, either on the desktop or Android, will keep any additional storage space they received for using the beta version, and will continue to be able to earn up to 5 GB.
Grab it from the Android Market here:
or directly from:
Happy Dropboxing!
如想申请即得额外500M的,点此链接:https://www.dropbox.com/referrals/NTU5ODYwMzQzOQ?src=global9 |