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[联谊] 游古巴买保险的咨询

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发表于 2012-11-8 13:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
去古巴游玩,买哪家得保险好(最基本的). 谢谢!!
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-12 16:48 | 只看该作者
thank you so much, Jerry
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发表于 2012-11-12 14:04 | 只看该作者
Post by step123;3171528
去古巴游玩,买哪家得保险好(最基本的). 谢谢!!

如果你有学校或者工作的补充保险,一般也会有Travel assistance 险的。你自己看一下。

另外,旅行社一般也有代理保险的。大部分 100左右。我觉得太贵,没必要。自己带点头痛脑热拉肚子过敏的药就可以了。

Health Insurance

Since May 1, 2010, travellers must present proof of health insurance in order to enter the country. Upon arrival, travellers may be required to present an insurance policy, insurance certificate, or medical assistance card valid for the period of their stay in Cuba. Those who do not have proof of insurance coverage may be required to obtain health insurance from a Cuban insurance company when they arrive.

Temporary residents also have to hold valid health insurance policies.

Although proof of Canadian provincial health insurance is sufficient for visitors to enter Cuba, your provincial plan may cover only part of the costs and will not pay the bill up-front, as required. It is therefore recommended that travellers purchase supplemental health insurance. Note that some private insurers also require the traveller to pay costs up-front and be reimbursed later. For more information on travel health insurance, please see Section 11 of this Travel Report. Travellers should note that Cuban authorities will not allow anyone with outstanding medical bills to leave the country.

All health insurance policies are recognized, except those issued by U.S. insurance companies, as they cannot provide coverage in Cuba.

For additional details on this requirement, please consult the Embassy of Cuba in Canada.
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