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请教Don Cherry 和各位大侠,车点不着火

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发表于 2004-9-27 21:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
My car just replaced a brand new battery two weeks ago after couldn't start first time in her life. Then in 3 weeks everything seems OK. However, today, it cannot start again! I am sure that I turn off all lights when I left the car and the car even ran very good yesterday. What could be wrong? When I tried to start the car, it has the normal "Da Da Da ... " sound but just couldn't start. By the way, I asked my friend to help me jump the car, but still couldn't start the car, same problem as before.

Can Mr. Don give me some guess what could be wrong? how much to fix it (in both the best and the worst cases) , For your information, my car is 1996 Toyato Corolla with 210K km.

Thank you so much in advance!:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
发表于 2004-9-27 23:22 | 只看该作者
Post by big_mouse
My car just replaced a brand new battery two weeks ago after couldn't start first time in her life. Then in 3 weeks everything seems OK. However, today, it cannot start again! I am sure that I turn off all lights when I left the car and the car even ran very good yesterday. What could be wrong? When I tried to start the car, it has the normal "Da Da Da ... " sound but just couldn't start. By the way, I asked my friend to help me jump the car, but still couldn't start the car, same problem as before.

Can Mr. Don give me some guess what could be wrong? how much to fix it (in both the best and the worst cases) , For your information, my car is 1996 Toyato Corolla with 210K km.

Thank you so much in advance!:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

试一下"Da Da Da ... "的时候轰一下油门
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-28 10:55 | 只看该作者

Thanks, but no effect.

I tried, but no any difference could make. :confused:
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发表于 2004-9-28 12:23 | 只看该作者
Your starter gives trouble.  Just go to scrap yard (J yard, check yellow page)
to buy a used one and install yourself. It is very simple to install and price is
about $25~$35.
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-28 18:30 | 只看该作者

Thanks Don

Thanks, Don!

But if I got the second-hand starter, how to install it? Could you give some executable instruction? If it is difficult to write it down, is there some place that I can get the repair manual of my car "Toyota Corolla 1996"? Thank you.

I asked a garage, they will charge me $50 for installing the starter if I bring the starter by myself, so I am thinking whether I am able to DIY.:p
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发表于 2004-9-29 09:55 | 只看该作者
call me: 735-5363

I will give you good advisor.
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-6 09:21 | 只看该作者

my car cannot start again! help! Don!

I towed my car to a small garage, they couldn't find the problem after one hour struggle, then a man reset the code of my car, suddenly the car can start! I was so happy and paid $40 and drove home.

Only after two days, in the morning, the car failed to start again, no matter how many times to try it, this time I towed to Canadian Tire, but the car can start it there without any problem, under my insist, they checked my car carefully, but still couldn't find the problem, they told me that they couldn't localize the problem if the problem doesn't show up. I agree but again, I paid $68 for their hours.

Now I had spent more than $100 but still cannot find the problem of my car, I am in a very embrassing situation which whether I can use the car all depends the result of coin tossing.

Anyway, several things can be clear, the battery is good, the alternator is good also, the car normally cannot start from "cold", but can easily start from "hot". The car can or cannot start all depends on some tricky reason, may be temperture, viberation, ... I am guessing.

Can someone give any suggestion? Thank you.
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-6 19:07 | 只看该作者

Up Up Up

Up Up Up
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发表于 2004-10-7 16:57 | 只看该作者
call me:880-4874.may be I can do something for you.
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