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发表于 2003-9-27 23:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
发表于 2003-9-29 19:03 | 只看该作者

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-9-29 19:32 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-10-2 14:09 | 只看该作者

海豹油 Seal Oil

根据医学博士Rober Atkins 在(Health Revolution)一书中提到:基于五年来对于EFAs的研究发现,OMEGA-3中所含的脂肪酸对于糖尿病在心脏、肾脏及眼睛的并发症有深远的作用。
OMEGA-3中所含的脂肪酸被认为在预防糖尿病和缓解糖尿病并发症方面扮演着重要的角色,饮食中所说的与脂肪有联系的是第二种类型的糖尿病,这是一种饱和脂肪过剩而不饱和脂肪酸相对缺乏的病症。它 的出现主要是由于饮食方式减少膜的流动性,引致胰岛素的减少束缚细胞膜上的神经末梢,或是降低了胰岛素的作用。比较起来OMEGA-3油的出现提高了一代毒素作用。广泛的研究显示经常性服用少剂量的OMEGA-3有能有效的抑制第二种类型糖尿病的发展,另外,生物研究发现OMEGA-3中所含的脂肪酸可以预防胰岛素抗体发展。所有这些证据说明改变膜的流动性在第二种类型糖尿病中扮演着决定性的角色.
在全世界的范围内,糖尿病一直是慢性病中恶化速度最快的一种,一些研究发现已对土生的印地安人进行多次试验,多次经验证明从海豹油中所含的OMEGA-3脂肪酸可有效的促进体内四肢循环, 缓和糖尿病带来的疼痛和炎症。 若没有正常的体内循环, 神经细胞组织就会萎缩从而导致失眠或必需截肢的严重后果。 服用OMEGA-3海豹油, 并配合合理的饮食安排及运动, 可以有效的帮助预防糖尿病。 人对于葡萄糖耐受性减弱将会受到第二类糖尿病的严重威协.。根据有关调查证明阿拉斯加人正是靠经常性吸取OMEGA-3从而普遍降低了对于葡萄糖耐受性的侵害。

海豹油含有大约20%-25%的OMEGA3多碳不饱和脂肪酸 ,海豹油中的OMEGA3多碳不饱和脂肪酸含有丰富的EPA、DPA、DHA 三种不饱和酸。 这三种人体不易自行合成的脂肪酸 ,是人体基础健康不可缺少的营养元素. 另在海豹油中更发现了珍贵的角鲨烯(Squalene)和其他对人体有益的物质。现将其功能分述如下:
EPA: EPA被专家称为血液清洁剂,血管硬化 ,心脏血管栓塞 ,心肌梗塞 ,脑溢血及高血压等疾病历来就是人类生活健康的大敌 。经专家们研究发现 ,EPA的主要作用是在血中帮助制造某种前列腺素(Prostaglandin)这种前列腺素能有效的抑制血小板凝固 ,减少血栓形成 ,预防血栓现象 ,同时可降低胆固醇 ,减少血液中的三酸甘油脂和血液粘稠度 ,保持血液德国循环畅通 .EPA还可有效的对血管壁进行清洗 ,降低血脂 ,进而也达到减少血栓形成的效果 .所以EPA对预防和治疗冠状动脉硬化性心脏病 、动脉硬化、,心肌梗塞 、脑溢血和高血压等心脑血管疾病有绝佳功效。
DHA:DHA俗称脑黄金,DHA含量可达20%左右,而在视网膜的磷脂质中含量更高达50%-60% ,为人脑脂肪酸中的天然组成部分 ,是智力开发和提高智商的重要因素 .同时对人体神经系统的发展及神经功能的应用有很大的作用 ,也对强化脑神经及视网膜细胞有级重要的功能 ,能使脑神经细胞便更加有弹性而更增强脑功能 。人们随着年龄的增长 ,大脑中DHA的含量会相对减少 ,属于功能性老化 ,因而会产生健忘和痴呆等现象 ,吸取海豹油中的DHA是对因年老而相对减少的DHA的最好补充 ,可阻止和延缓老化现象 ,对老年痴呆症的预防和治疗有良好的功效 ,在青少年成长期 ,DHA有助于保持神经健康成长和增强记忆力 ,对于应付各种压力过度用脑的成年人也是一种级重要的脑营养补充 .在婴儿与儿童期可帮助神经系统和视力的发展 。另外DHA还具有促进和提高人体的免疫功能 ,改善过敏现象 ,利于糖尿病的预防及治疗等功能 ,同时对类风湿关节炎 ,牛皮癣 ,气喘病和溃疡性小肠炎均有良好的疗效 。
DPA:DPA除了有他自己的特殊功效外 ,与DHA有近似的功能 。目前只在人类母乳和海豹油中发现这一成分,人乳中DPA的百分比含量远较EPA高的多,故可知这是一种对于胎儿基础营养及脑神经细胞成长发育所必需的脂肪酸 ,对于婴儿出生前后的整个生长发育过程有着很大的重要性。尤其是对于缺少母乳喂养的婴儿来说,海豹油制品就是代替母乳的极佳和不可或缺的儿营养品 ,DPA对于成年人的视神经及记忆组织的维护亦有相对重要的作用。耐寒性:海豹的生长环境是在最没有污染的北极圈和北冰洋中 ,长年气温在摄氏零下20度-40度 ,因此 ,从海豹中提取得海豹油级为清纯并含有一种耐高寒的特殊物质 .防氧化性:海豹油中含有一种天然的防氧化物(Natural Antioxidant) ,使得海豹油不容易氧化 ,OMEGA3多碳不饱和脂肪酸因为不饱和的原因 ,因而很容易氧化,氧化后变成过氧化物 ,对身体有害,鱼油不含防氧化物,鱼油很容易变质便是这个原因 ,而海豹油因含有防氧化物 ,所以可大大延缓氧化的过程 。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-10-2 14:12 | 只看该作者


亚麻子油是由一位曾获得七次诺贝尔奖提名的德国生物学博士Dr.Johanna Budwig所发现和提炼的出来的。她在纯天然植物亚麻子中发现了三种非常重要的脂肪酸:Omega-6,Omega-3和Omega-9。这三种脂肪酸是人体所需要的最基本养份之一,而其中Omega-3和Omega-6是人体本身无法产生的。这些脂肪酸可以加速新陈代谢,提高免疫系统能力,分解胆固醇,平衡血压,以及压抑制肿瘤和癌细胞增长。


亚麻子油的亚麻酸含有多种抗癌物质,其中包括生育酚,麦胆醇及本醇素。本醇素可以控制激素,避免乳房癌和生殖系统的肿瘤产生。经实验证明,经常摄取亚麻油的女性,得洁肠癌及乳腺癌的机率 低于一般女性,而亚麻子油对预防男性前列腺癌成绩非常突出。另外,亚麻子油可显着提高免疫系统的免疫能力,有助于癌症病人身体对抗癌细胞的扩散及疾病的侵袭,大大延长病人的寿命和增加病人的康复的机会。

EPA的作用  :降低血液内低密度脂蛋白胆固醇LDL及三酸甘油TG的含量,有助于防止动脉硬化。  减缓血液凝结速度,使血液稀释,有助于防止血管阻塞。
DHA的作用   : 能减轻视力衰退的程度。  可活化脑细胞,增强记忆力。  可改变白细胞的化学作用,减缓发炎程度,有助于缓解关节炎及其它炎症。 有助调节血脂。
营养学家和研究人员相信OMEGA-FORCE补品所提供的OMEGA-3 ,OMEGA-6,和OMEGA-9 是“好脂肪酸”的天然来源。必需脂肪酸是每个细胞膜的主要构成成分,机体的每一种功能都依赖必需脂肪酸的作用。
OMEGA 脂肪主要的生理功能包括:调节胆固醇和三酸甘油脂的新陈代谢;制造EICOSANOIDS 和前列腺素:保护神经和组织、;强化心血管系统:保持皮肤和头发健康:减轻肿胀和炎症:帮助大脑和眼睛的正常发育及功能。

生理学家,诺贝尔奖獲得者AUGUST KROGH发现,长食冷水鱼和鱼油的人LDL(坏胆固醇)较低,HDL(好胆固醇)较高。
70余项研究显示, OMEGA-3油平均降低三酸甘油脂25-35%。最新的研究表明三酸甘油脂含量高与心脏病的关系较高胆固醇更强。

平衡摄取OMEGA-3和OMEGA-6,就像OMEGA-FORCE对保持良好的健康极为重要。OMEGA-6在体内借助DELTA-6-减饱和酶(D6D)转化成GAMA-亚油烯酸(GLA).研究人员发现,很多人缺乏D6D,因而不能将OMEGA-6脂肪完全转化成有益的GLA,但研究证实, 琉璃苣油是前转化油,提供最高度浓缩和迅速吸收的GLA来源.

OMEGA-9不是必需脂肪酸,但它仍对一般健康状况有益:且支持必需脂肪酸的功能. OMEGA-9存在于橄榄,杏仁,昆士兰果,榛實,芝蔴,鳄梨,亚麻仁及其油内.
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发表于 2003-10-7 21:39 | 只看该作者
Beneficial Effects of Seal Oil


In today’s society, our human diet is vastly different from that of our ancestors. In early times, hunting, fishing, and gathering of foods was an important part of their lifestyle and natural foods were at their best. Consequently, a biologically preferable ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids was consumed.
The Omega 6’s are derived from vegetable oils, the consumption of which has increased dramatically this century with the industrialization of agriculture. The Omega 3’s are derived from marine oils, such as fish and seal oils, and their consumption relative to vegetable oils has declined, in some countries, from a ratio of 1:1 to 1:25. The Omega 3’s and Omega 6’s have different physiological factors, but work in concert with each other to regulate biological processes. The World Health Organization recommends an Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio of 1:5.
Gradually, over time, for various reasons including convenience, we began preparing and eating less and less fish and marine mammals. As a result, our diet today is deficient in Omega 3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), a most important “essential” fatty acid for human development and health. An “essential” fatty acid is one that cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained from a food source. Today, the medical profession is treating more and more incidences of heart disease, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease, in addition to cancers and depression. A major contributing factor to such diseases is a deficiency in essential fatty acids.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in industrialized countries. Initial studies by Band and Dyerberg in 1971 on Greenland Eskimos, and significant subsequent research, point to a strong relationship between Omega 3 PUFA and CVD. This study found that the Greenland Eskimos had a much lower incidence of CVD and cancer despite a diet high in the consumption of fats. Greenland Eskimos consumed much more seal than fish, seal being a staple of their diet, in addition they could further use the seal for heating, clothing and tools.
Among the ailments, which can be treated by Omega 3 supplementation, they are:
Heart disease. Research has indicated that Omega 3 can reduce the risk of primary cardiac arrest by 70%, by reducing blood vessel blockages. Other work (Dr. Leof of Harvard Medical School) has found that PUFA’s can prevent sudden death from irregular heart beats following a heart attack. Yet another study has found that a diet rich in Omega 3 can reduce chances of a second (fatal) heart attack by 30%.
Blood pressure. Fish oil helps lower blood pressure and may help certain blood pressure medicines work more effectively.
Stroke. Dutch researchers have confirmed a link between fish consumption (as little as one 3 oz serving per week), and a reduced risk of stroke, noting fish oil’s ability to retard coagulation, a thickening of the blood that can lead to stroke inducing clots.
Menstruation. Researchers at Children’s Hospital medical Center in Cincinnati say Omega 3 may reduce the associated pain, nausea, and bloating.
Mental illness. A British study claims that up to 80% of schizophrenics are deficient in unsaturated fatty acids like Omega 3. Omega 3 deficiency has also been linked to depression and general mental deterioration.
Cancer. Fish eaters are less likely to die of cancer. One major study found that daily fish consumption dramatically slows abnormal cell growth that can lead to colon cancer. Another showed similar success impeding breast cancer. The Japanese, who eat three times more fish than Americans, have a breast cancer rate that is five times lower and a life expectancy that is four years longer. The American Heart Association announced to 40,000 delegates at an annual conference in 1997 that Omega 3 consumption delivered dramatic heart benefits.
Arthritis. More than a dozen studies confirm that Omega 3 offers anti-inflammatory relief for arthritis sufferers. It may also slow the course of kidney disease.
Fetal development. Studies show that pregnant women should eat fish to aid fetal brain and eye development. This is particularly important for babies that are born prematurely.
Literally thousands of studies have been published on the potential beneficial effects to human health of seafoods and fish oil preparations containing Omega 3 fatty acids.
In fact, a bibliography (Special Bibliography 1995-A, “Effects of Fish Oils and Polyunsaturated Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Health and Disease) prepared by Arthur Wykes of the Specialized Information Services, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, found 1,108 citations related to this topic published between June 1993 and January 1995 alone.
The bibliography noted that Omega 3 research in the United States, Europe and Asia has focused on the possible blood lipid-lowering and anticoagulant effects induced by fish and fish oil consumption, and on their potential for lowering risks for heart attacks, atherosclerosis, and cerebral thrombosis. Other research topics have included arthritis and inflammation, immunological conditions, diabetes, kidney and skin disorders, cancer, growth and development, vision and brain development, and membranes, as well as plant and other non-fish sources of essential fatty acids.
Seal oil is a superior source of Omega 3 compared to fish. Original findings prompting such research, as noted, were based on observations of Greenland Eskimos whose diet included predominantly seal meat and oil. Seal oil is a superior source of Omega 3 to fish and / or fish oils in many ways.
Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) is present at very low levels in fish oils relative to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) or docohexaenoic acid (DHA), but is almost as important as either the EPA or the DHA in seal oils. Seal oil can supply up to ten times as much DPA as would fish oils. About a third of the long chain Omega 3 fatty acids circulating in human blood is attributable to DPA.
Because of this, DPA has become of interest to medical researchers in both France and Japan. It seems that in the blood vessel walls, EPA may actually be converted to DPA as the effective agent.
Japanese researchers at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University in Tokyo have shown that the one stimulative effect of EPA on endothelial cell migration occurs via DPA, and that DPA may act as a powering antiatherogenic factor. Although it has been believed that EPA is the key in producing prostaglandin that keeps the artery wall soft and free of plaque, this study indicated that DPA may be 10-20 times more powerful than EPA in this effect.
Also, with the exception of seal oil, the highest incidence of DPA is in mother’s breast milk. This is important for early childhood development, including visual acuity and mental development. Deficiencies in Omega 3 PUFA’s such as DPA may result in impaired development of visual acuity and motor skills, according to several studies. The relative proportions of Omega 3 PUFA’s in most fish oils does not correspond well with that of human breast milk, but seal oil has a more similar compositional structure.
Fish oil is susceptible to oxidization whereas seal oil is more resistant to natural oxidative processes. Preliminary experiments by Drs. Nakhla and David have shown that the extent of oxidization of Omega 3 PUFA’s in seal in vitro was less than half that observed in fish oils. This can have major implications since there is significant research linking anti-oxidants to a reduction in free radical acids - and thus helping to reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases.
The absorption of seal oil into the human body is easier and more thorough than fish and fish oils. In seal oil, the Omega 3 fatty acids are in the -1 and -3 positions of the triglyceride molecule (same as humans) while in fish oil they are in the -2 position.
The Omega 3 content of seal oil is 20%-25%, which is higher than most fish oils, making seal oil capsules a much more effective source of Omega 3 than fish itself.
Seal oil is virtually free of cholesterol, while many fish and fish oils are relatively high in cholesterol.
Reviews by the US Department of Health and Nutrition Services, National Institutes of Health, the Life Sciences Research Office of the Federation of Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), and the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) indicate that there is consensus, that benefits would accrue to the population should dietary intake increase to around 1-2 gram long chain Omega 3 n-3 PUFA per day. Current average consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids in North America and Europe is about 200 grams / year or less than 20% of recommended intake. Health Canada recommends 1.8g of Omega 3 fatty acids in a daily diet. Two seal oil capsules per day can make up for this deficiency.
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发表于 2003-10-16 09:56 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-10-24 22:33 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2007-9-24 21:15 | 只看该作者


Post by fanfan7211

1.    海豹油中的Omega-3不饱和脂肪酸是一种血管清洁剂,它具有防止血管硬化和心脑血管栓塞。降低高血压和高血脂胆固醇,抑制血小板凝聚等用途。适用于冠状动脉硬化,血栓,脑中风,脑溢血,脑血管障碍,高胆固醇,高血脂,高血压,手脚麻痹及心悸等各种心脑血管疾病。
2.    海豹油中的Omega-3脂肪酸可以促进智力开发和提高智商。
3.    海豹油中的Omega-3脂肪酸可以促进和提高人体的免疫能力。对类风湿关节炎,牛皮癣,气喘病,溃疡性大小肠炎等均有帮助,并有利于糖尿病的预防和治疗。
4.    海豹油中含有天然鲛鲨烯(squalene)有助于防癌和抗癌。
5.    海豹油对皮肤有保健作用,使皮肤保持水分,脂肪与胶原蛋白的各种成分平衡,使皮肤不易干糙,老化,延迟与改进皱纹的生长。
[服用方法] 餐后温水吞服。 以保健保养和预防为目地,儿童和成人每天服用一次2-4粒.高血压以及各种心脑血管病患者,可多服一倍到两倍.


品名    规格    单价    备注
海豹油 100粒/每瓶    5加币    10瓶以上打九折
海豹油 200粒/每瓶    7加币    量大可达九折
海豹油 300粒/每瓶    10加币    量大可达九折
羊胎素 100粒/每瓶    17加币   

联系电话: (514)802-2262李小姐
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-24 22:15 | 只看该作者
hi, i have these natural products to sell and offer free delivery service, please call me with 514-733-6763.
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