Who can apply for EI benefits?
You can apply for EI benefits if you have paid into the EI account and you are unemployed.
- You can receive regular benefits if you lost your job through no fault of your own, for example, due to shortage of work, seasonal or mass lay-offs. To find out about the requirements for regular benefits...
- You can also receive maternity, parental and/or sickness benefits if pregnant, caring for a newborn or adopted child or sick. To find out about the requirements for maternity, parental and sickness benefits...
- You can receive fishing benefits if you are a person engaged in fishing.To find out about the requirements for fishing benefits...
- You can receive compassionate care benefits if you have to be away from work temporarily to provide care or support to a family member who is gravely ill with a significant risk of death. To find out about the requirements for compassionate care benefits...[/url]
[url="http://www1.servicecanada.gc.ca/en/ei/application/applying_for_benefits.shtml#top"]top |