被担保人IMM0008表 中的
1、Visa office requested for the process of your application: 这个是填写beijing吗?
既然是 要你 REQUEST, 你可以自己要求, 在中国通常是北京或香港, 一般南方几个省(广东广西福建等)都要求递香港,其他地区一般写北京; 理论上,比如被担保人住,黑龙江,你一样可以REQUEST "香港", 只是最后申请"有可能"被打回北京而已;
12、Education 中
non-university certificate/diploma 或者 Bachelor's degree?
另外,该表的反面 Details of famliy members
因为表中要求You must provide the following details about each of your family members, whether they will be accompanying you to canada or not. You must include your spouse or comon-law partner, if applicable, and all of your dependent children, and those of your spouse or common-law partner, who are not already permanet resdents or citizens of Canada.
关于这个我很困惑,我是担保人,在加拿大,我老公是被担保人,需要填写这张表,按照填写说明,那么family member应该就要填写我的信息。但是在信息栏中有一项是“will accompany you to canada” 要求填yes 或者no. 可是,我已经在加拿大了啊。而且表格中有句话说“who are not already permanet resdents or citizens of Canada.” 而我已经是pR,所以我不知道这部分内容是否应该空着,不填。
写 N/A ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |