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发表于 2002-3-3 10:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
各位朋友, 本人父母已刚来加,请问是否可以境内申请家庭团聚移民?因为一般0 J  j4 p% }" m( Y% D1 l8 B- D
说来是应该在境外申请的。 我父母都已超过60岁。多谢多谢!
发表于 2002-3-5 00:54 | 只看该作者
if (you don't have any brother or sister in China && you or your spouse have stable income for more than 1 year)
  a" c  F' \/ b  M3 E  your parents can apply.' q( b4 o$ X& N# R* Z  Q
4 s! r' O* w$ `+ l. T3 Z
more information: wwww.cic.qc.ca
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发表于 2002-3-5 00:58 | 只看该作者
sorry, the correct web site is www.cic.gc.ca
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发表于 2002-3-7 00:48 | 只看该作者
it is a sufficient but not a necessary condition. it is based on Humanity & Compassion that a person can apply for the permanent residency inside Canada.
, z7 K$ F6 V7 i
2 D* B6 H4 j1 a2 A1 D  {! z4 B& BTo be qualified for Humanity & Compassion case, your parents have to have enough reason to answer "Why you have to apply inside Canada?"
$ z( s5 I# }% J: E# J2 g+ n
+ F$ Q3 G" F8 K! P( f6 W" X# bgood luck!
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 楼主| 发表于 2002-3-7 13:48 | 只看该作者
多谢各位朋友。关于Humanity & Compassion case, to answer "Why you have to apply inside Canada?" 现实的情况是,父母们说先来,觉得不错再申请吧。友人说其实境外申请也没有不同, 你只是需要把所有材料转到境外,从境外递交, 那么从本质上说,就是稍微麻烦一点罢了。因为并不需要你人离境。' [( q9 {/ F  s2 c, e
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