楼主: Sean2000
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[其他] 三月底或四月初魁省递Bufflo的请进

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发表于 2006-7-19 17:05 | 显示全部楼层
Why does it take 1 year? isn't that way too long? A lot of cases I heard are half a year or so, how true?

I sent my application to Buffalo in late Feb, and got my physical exam in late June, took me almost 4 months. I'm really concerned right now, cus my work permit will be expiring in 6 months, if by then I don't get my PR, I might have to loose my job

You guys know if there's anyway we can expedite the process? I don't mind paying money for that. Thanks!
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发表于 2006-8-2 14:54 | 显示全部楼层
I asked the same question, and here is their reply:

We have not received the results of your medical exam to date.  Please note, medical results take approximately 3 months to download to Buffalo from the time they are received at Immigration Medical Services in Ottawa.
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发表于 2006-10-18 13:29 | 显示全部楼层
Sucessfully landed on last Sat!! Did not get charged for going to the states without a valid visa, no finger print, no eye scan, etc. I heard that once you have finger printed, your record is on their immigration Database, so in the future, when you go to the states, it's inevitable that you'll have to do fingerprint and they will investigate you...it won't change, even if you become a canadian -- sounds horrible, right?

In order to avoide this, make sure you tell the officer that you have the right to withdraw entering the States, :mad: and you do not want to do finger print, eye scan, stuff like that. It might also depend on the officer's mood as well. In my case, I was almost going to be charged by one of the officer, and going to be finger printed...another officer walked by, and let me go.  So i guess if you try to smile to them, and be nice to them, things should be fine.

Finally, i would like to thank those who had shared their experiences here, and wish everyone good luck in his future life and work in Canada!!

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