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一中国女学生在 蒙城游泳池溺水身亡

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发表于 2002-4-20 00:09 | 显示全部楼层

Sorry to hear that such tragedy happened. I'd like to send my condolences to her family.
But I'd also like to point out that the swimming pool is located in the district of St-Henri in City of Montreal, not in City of Verdun.It is 1 mile away from Verdun, so don't confuse the geographic location. I personally have lived in Verdun for many years and I love Verdun. Verdun has many advantages over many other areas on the island of Montreal, that's why so many chinese people chose to live in Verdun:
1. Verdun is beautiful. It has the longest park along the Saint-Laurance River on the island of Montreal.
2. Verdun is convenience. You don't need to go out side of Verdun to go shopping, here you have every thing. You don't have to have a car to go shopping.
3. The transportation is very conveniece also. You have three metro stations inside City of Verdun, so you can take metro and ten minutes, you're in downtown.
4. Verdun's hausing is also very affordable.
5. Verdunoise are very beautiful. Not like if you go to park extension, it makes you to think you're in India or mid-east.
6. ......
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