楼主: Wei Quan
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发表于 2003-8-12 11:48 | 显示全部楼层
You must be kidding.
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发表于 2003-8-12 16:27 | 显示全部楼层
I thought it was a joke and didn't realize that there were other people who actually understood and supported this 'mission'.  I'm blushing, as a Chinese.  Where did you learn all these?  Clearly it's not from real life.  If one is so inept in front of a few bullies here (and feels it has injured Chinese's right and respect), how would you be able to survive in this society?  It would be interesting to see how you guys act out on this plan.    If the mission fails, let me know where this farm is and my brother or myself will fix it up for you.
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发表于 2003-8-13 16:48 | 显示全部楼层
I'm still amazed at how you reacted or might have reacted or are reacting to the mistreatment you received.  I have problem understanding why people allow this to happen at first place and let it continue until it costs you many sleepless nights and until a mass movement becomes the only solution as you choose to believe.  I might be wrong about these extraordinary bullies.  Good luck to you anyway.
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发表于 2003-8-14 14:16 | 显示全部楼层
As you are all my brothers and sisters whom I deeply care and as a matter of principle, I will have to say a few more words.  I may have been a little bit too gentle so I will be really blunt to you this time.  

1.        I refuse to see that this is a case of racial discrimination instead of a simple case of bullies vs cowards.  I am offended by the belief that East Indians are lower class than Chinese, implying that there ought to be other classes on top of Chinese.  Japanese probably looks down on all ethnic groups on this planet.  Worst of all racists, some Chinese voluntarily put themselves in the middle.  

2.        I can’t support such a movement because I don’t believe this is an honest and effective approach.  You lost your self-respect on that seat when you got up there and don’t drag the whole Chinese population into so-called ‘resolution’.  On those sleepless nights, dig deep down into your soul to see why you lost it and if you still have a thread of courage to find it yourself.  No one else could do it for you.  I would never want to see a crowd of Chinese chanting slogans in front those confused people.

3.        I would suggest that, if you or a group of you could find the real reason and real courage, you take all the front seats next time, absolutely leaving no seats reserved for senior Indians, anyone who can pull onions should be strong enough to sit at back or stand like everyone else, don’t cheat yourself and others.  If you still don’t feel strong enough to challenge these bullies, both mentally and physically, get some tall strong north-eastern Chinese to take those seat besides you.  Tell those people who ask you to move to ‘get to the back’, ‘get off my face’, ‘if you lift your fingers, I’ll make sure to either get your head off here or send you to prison’, and so on and so on (you get the tone).  Four things you will have to remember: one, you will say it loud and clearly, don’t give any explanation; two, you will look directly into his eyes, don’t shift; three, you may need to all stand up, if necessary.  At any small sign of aggression from the other party, call Police immediately (you will have to report clearly and directly to let police know that you are assaulted).  You may have to ask these brothers to company you there for several times until you are strong enough to deal with it yourself.

4.        I would suggest that you get the farm owner involved.  Clearly get him/her know the severity of the problem, his responsibility and consequences.   If the owner is an Indian, none of you should continue to work there, right now.  Why so many Chinese have problem supporting Chinese business (you would often curse and kick to Chinese business, right?) and endure so much to contribute to non-Chinese business?

5.        I have been very disappointed at what happened, I mean the fact that you have let it happened.  This is not the Chinese I know who have a lot of common sense.  And what you have done and are planning to do will not help to gain back much Chinese pride you lost.  Stop being passive and stop feeling morally superior by choosing to be a victim.

May God bless all Chinese!
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