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请问明珠小区和New St-Laurent的Back to Back(8户) Townhouse怎么样

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发表于 2010-4-7 14:44 | 显示全部楼层
Forgot to mention the ceiling. Does the building you are looking at marcel laurin have only total 2 or 3 floors? If that's the one, then the ceiling there has 9" (I was told by the sales), which is very good. But the ceiling in nouveau st-laurent is lower than 9", because it is in a big building.
Post by linsunrise;2536218
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发表于 2010-4-7 14:47 | 显示全部楼层
1157sf, 复式27.8万, does the price include a seperated garage?
Post by linsunrise;2536210
是1.65万,两个卧室1157SQ.FT. 复式要27.8万,我问的。marcellaurin这边。
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发表于 2010-4-7 17:14 | 显示全部楼层
你不要听JJ的, JJ的话可不一定对的, 如果他是专门代理那个MARCEL-LAURIN的JJ那就更不要听了. 关键是自己要喜欢, 要适合自己.
Post by linsunrise;2536218
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发表于 2010-4-8 10:58 | 显示全部楼层
复式27.8万+1.65w的车库, a bit too expensive, you could find the similar thing at a bit cheaper price in Bois Franc. And you won't face the highway and you won't hear the cars, with a nicer neighborhood.

How much is the condo fees there?

But if this is the 1st time for you to buy property, you can get some government refund from the one at marcel-laurin since it is brand new.
Post by linsunrise;2536997
1157sf, 复式27.8万+1.65w的车库。



quote=lovelytito;2536235]1157sf, 复式27.8万, does the price include a seperated garage?
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发表于 2010-4-8 11:11 | 显示全部楼层
If you near the highway or some big street, you will be bothered if you open windows because it will be too noisy, plus too much gas smell and dust from outside, more pollution. That's why I said, if you live in some area such as Bois franc (I am not trying to recommend bois franc, just give you an example), you can open your windows anytime because there is no gas smell and noise from the street. I always open windows in the summer.

You said your agent does not recommend you to buy condos at nouveau st-laurent, and I said do not 100% believe him, especially if he sells for marcel-laurin. I was just trying to say that JJ is not always right.....but if he has absolutely no benefit invloved on where you choose, you might consider a bit.
Post by linsunrise;2537015
如果他是专门代理那个MARCEL-LAURIN的JJ就不会说那里坏了,只会说好呀,是不是我前面的帖子哪里没说清楚,让你没看明白? 咱们现在是一直在说marcellaurin的那个房子吧?我从来没有在stlaurent住过,真的很担心那边的噪音什么的,请问夏天住在那边的朋友都开窗户吗》还是只开空调呀?
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发表于 2010-4-8 13:05 | 显示全部楼层
Oh ok, I thought you were referring the ones at nouveau st-laurent.

Well, for the airplane noise, indeed there is noise, the whole ville st-laurent is under the noise area, but it really depends the location. Some location is right under the airlines, so the noise is louder, some locations can hardly hear too much noise. I don't know about the noise level at marcel laurin as I never stayed there for long enough. For bois franc, I don't find the noise is unbearable....otherwise I wouldn't buy another house in bois franc. The airplanes fly more frequently in the summer than in the winter. We don't hear any planes in the winter - less planes and windows are closed.

My mother also lives in bois franc and her condo has even louder noise than where I am living, and she still told me that it does not bother her at all and she loves where she lives.

I don't know how much level of noise you can bear.....suggest you to stay where you want to buy for at least 1 hour to see if you can stand for it.
Post by linsunrise;2537099


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发表于 2010-4-8 18:08 | 显示全部楼层

很奇怪呢为什么非要在这个区买呢,这里很多地方都能听见飞机的, 你如果很在意飞机的声音,不如去LACHINE或者西岛, 都还算安静的区。
Post by linsunrise;2537303
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发表于 2010-4-9 09:19 | 显示全部楼层
have you ever studied physics? Or you are just trying to give everybody a good joke?
Post by FUJJJ;2537793
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发表于 2010-4-9 20:41 | 显示全部楼层
说得对的. DORVAL的房子相对来说很贵.

至于交通, linsunrise 应该是开车上班去市中心的, 不是用公共交通的, 可能她不会觉得那个十分钟一班的公车对她有用.
Post by dillon92;2538251
dorval 的房子并不便宜,相对来说还很贵,好的房子没人卖,有钱还不一定买得到。 交通非常方便,15分钟公交车到地铁lionel group(10分钟一班)。公立小学中学都很不错
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发表于 2010-4-9 22:50 | 显示全部楼层
总得来说, 我觉得是1200尺的复式好卖, 900尺的四半好租. 当然这只是IN GENERAL, 还得实际情况具体分析.
Post by linsunrise;2538456
我看过dorval的房子,价钱不便宜而且总是听到高速的声音,不间断.问公交的事情,agent没和我提过这个15分钟公交车到地铁lionel group的车,我还真是不知道,然后就是朋友告诉说开车堵车.

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