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发表于 2004-6-4 20:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
孩子9个月, 5月21号第一次发烧,两天后退了,然后一直咳了八天到周四(6月1号)凌晨,突然又烧到38.9

可这次孩子明显精神很差.而且三天没大便,摸着肚子很硬. 孩子的外婆提醒我可能是"结食"了, 想去买药给孩子通便,可不知道怎么说,请问各位妈妈有什么建议吗?着急中,在线等.谢谢!!!
发表于 2004-6-4 23:01 | 只看该作者
Hi. I can't type Chinese but would like to help your baby. I have a daughter who is
18 months' old and had similar situation like your baby. The medicine you need to buy is called" suppository" . Tell the pharmacist   that your baby is constipated and  tell them how  old is your baby. You need the special  one for the baby. At the same time give the baby some "rune" Juice. The juice is in dark colour. You can buy it where sells baby food like pharmacy. ( In little bottle ) This juice is very good. You may give the baby whenever he doesn't "u" within 24 hours. Doctor tells me that don't give honey to baby before one year's old. It is not good for them.

call me at 450-4916331 or 514-4976323 as I have more to explain to you. I feel for you. When a baby is sick, I know that feeling.
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-4 23:50 | 只看该作者
Thank you so much, my friend!

I just bought what you said from pharmacy, and I think it will take a little bit time to work out. Now is 11:48pm. It's too late to call you to get the help.

If I have similar question, can I call you tomorrow? Thank you again for your warm heart! Have a nice weekend
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发表于 2004-6-5 21:37 | 只看该作者
Hi. Just came back from a day out. Sorry to reply so late. You may call me whenever you need help. Before 11 pM is okey for me. If the suppository does not work out for your baby, I have somethingesle to tell you. It is better I explain to you on the phone. It worked very well on my daughter.

Good luck
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发表于 2004-6-5 22:17 | 只看该作者
如果是"积食" 发热, 可以吃一种中药 "三甲散". 唐人街可能有买的.
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发表于 2004-6-5 22:38 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-6 00:17 | 只看该作者

特别感谢monkey68, 以后有问题再请教,祝各位周末愉快!!!
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