楼主: neochang1978
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发表于 2011-5-10 12:49 | 显示全部楼层
Different people have different definition on the word "Success". For some people, what LZ has achieved, is way more enough; for the others, it is still far from the targets. All depend what the targets are. It is very useless and meaningness to compare the actual outcomings. For some people, having 2 cars means nothing unless they are 2 brand new owned BMW's, not 2 second-hand Toyota camrys; and only owning a house that is min. 600K means something. I believe LZ meant to share his experiences how he was facing the barriers and how he went through everything. And his experience could be a very good example and mirror for the new immigrants.

I believe LZ is a unionized employee. About the salaries, it really depends the years of service and the job capacity. There is the possibility to get 60K a year for a unionized employee in aviation industry but I doubt it is his case. Maybe he rounded # up. In Bombardier, Air Canada, CAE, etc, an engineer holding the master degree whose years of service is between 1-2 years is in the average of 80K (could be less or more depending on the experiences). As a unionized employee with training background and not very long time years of service, only 20K less? I doubt it. Please don't take my words as offence, LZ :p. I do admire your attitudes on the journey of life.....if how you are now is what you wanted, we are all happy for you.
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发表于 2011-5-10 13:39 | 显示全部楼层
Well, I am looking at the complete list of all classifications in the Technical Services in aerospace industry, those get paid over $30 must be licensed aircraft technicians. I remember he said he does not hold this license. And, the salaries for unionized employees are not calculated like you did below. There is a ceiling salary for each level. Once reaching to this ceiling, no more increase until the whole union re-negotiates the salary range with the management.

If added with OT pay, of course it most likely could reach to $60K easily.

Post by poplaryang;2863887
工业电工 should be 30$/hour, or minimum 25$/hr ?
yearly = 2000hr X 30$/hr = 60,000 + overtime payment
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发表于 2011-5-10 16:59 | 显示全部楼层
下班了, 上来补充一句, 其实我也是多嘴, LZ好象一直没有说过是在aerospace吧,  Bombardier又不是只制造飞机. 所以上面我的对aerospace工会制工资的言论就当没说啊. 虽然我不用仰望LZ的成就,  LZ此帖的本意也不是为了博羡慕, 而是为了分享心得, 感慨感慨一路走过来的艰辛 - 三个字: 不容易. 总结: LZ的毅力是可贵滴~.   为了家庭和生活永远不放弃的精神是值得很多人看齐滴~~赞一个.

(不过家庭年收入才6万, 两孩子要养, 有车耗房贷的, LZ生活得并不轻松啊....)  路还长着呢, 再接再厉再接再厉.:wink:
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发表于 2011-5-12 19:49 | 显示全部楼层
的确这个帖子是越来越好玩了, 一开始还觉得话题还挺严肃的, 到后来简直要喷饭,成为我每日茶余饭后的消遣, "悲伤"童鞋之诙谐犀利的帖子论证严谨逻辑性强, 想必在现实生活中也是个辩论高手哩    

别不说了啊, 继续继续
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发表于 2011-5-13 20:27 | 显示全部楼层
他没否定谁啊, 他否定的是给自己打兴奋剂的行为. 别人成功的经验为什么不去借鉴 你怎知他需要借鉴别人的成功经验呢, 比LZ现在的状态更胜一筹好象并不难吧,  至少在我这里就不算什么成功了. 没准儿你矛头指向的那位人士更成功, 我们都应该借鉴借鉴他的经验呢. 只能使自己处于更底层  嗯, 更没谱了, 直接就假设他已经处于底层了, 小童鞋不要做没根据的假设, 这是不好滴~~没准他在上流社会呢?

移民与本地人的工资差距是肯定的....通过努力到达或超过又不是没有可能 这个我同意滴~~

当然, LZ的精神是可取滴~,   与大家share心得也是很值得鼓励滴~

Post by minhaipeng;2866473
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