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引用 rabits 2019-8-15 12:17
xly_0601: 加拿大就支持了你能怎样?不但加拿大支持,普世价值的国家都支持,你又能怎样?除了在中文网站给人洗洗脑,你啥干不了,你个怂货。你应该至少学点英语法语什么的 ...
You need to stop trolling, trolling is consider hate speech now days, there is nothing you said ever related to the article. And so far I have not seen you ever wrote anything other than Chinese on this website. How do you know I don't post anything on other website in English and French? Can you provide any valid evidence other than personal accusation?
引用 xly_0601 2019-8-15 09:39
rabits: 所以加拿大支持香港闹事,希望更多接盘侠过来,可惜香港闹事的都是穷人本身就买不起房子。
引用 rabits 2019-8-15 08:46

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