形同纳粹主义的“魁北克人至上”,政治对手从被拘捕到审判可以从10个月拖到41个月“合理延迟”, 如海市蜃楼般的司法公正,以及官商勾结纵容灰色犯罪 (Thomson Reuters, how many requests for which you billed your clients with fraudulent government fees?)、任由少数族裔妇女失踪案积少成多、悬而不结、打压维护正义人士的加拿大代表进步社会!? 呵呵......-律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese) and 新浪博客博主
Hillary Will Win, People, the Little People, the Ordinary People, Will Continue Suffering Whenever the Bloody Rigging Hands Need Another Terrorist Attack, the Democracy Turns out the Devil and the Justice is a Joke! -律政混混, IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese) and 新浪博客博主