justiceQC: 可以回答“You guys are doing this for the sole purpose of inducing us to get agitated and maybe violent so that you will use it as a pretext for violence against us, against other minorities. Isn’t it? Well, too bad, we will not be part of your scheme.”你们这么做,就是想激怒我们,然后你们就有借口对我们和其他少数族裔发起暴力攻击对吧?抱歉,你们被看穿了,我们不会配合你们的阴谋的。请记住:对于hate crime(因仇视而引发的犯罪行为)的正确处理方式是报警,如果警察怠慢不作为,请联系justiceQC/律政混混, IForYou, a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada. (justiceseeking123@gmail.com) 欢迎访问“律政混混, IForYou”的Tumblr Blog.