看了这么多老乡的帖子,怎么没人提议聚聚呢,我来带个头吧,就定在下周六Jan. 20, 2007怎么样,欢迎到我家,地方虽然不大,但就是聊聊天,喝喝酒,谈谈家乡嘛,有意的哥们儿,就给我回个email:ryanmontreal@gmail.com, 差不多攒个5,6个人就成,等人数差不多了,咱们再商量具体细节,waiting for u guys' reply.
Hey guys, unitl now, i just got two emails reply, so i guess maybe most people are kind of busy recently, but anyway, this party plan is still availabe, i hope at least there could be 5 or 6 persons confirm it so that we can make this party go ahead:-) my email again: ryanmontreal@gmail.com