Post by seastcn
Sorry my Chinese writing is not available.
You should understand that, there are many qualified applicants, but only limited can be accepted. It does not mean that if you are qualified, then you will be accepted. think the situation in China for the university entrance!
I think you can not win the case if going to court.
currently you can comfort your friend, and think other ways, either to go school or look for a job.
Good Luck.
in addition, you know there are too many our folks in Concordia. though there is no nationality limitation, you can imagine it. needless to say that some people use false material which make our fame not good!
and one of my accquantance was failed in Concordia, and he is accepted by Mcgill. I suggest your friend tries Mcgill.
4)但若去法庭,我们将以什么罪名控告他呢?说他无端拒绝?好象没有这项控告。最有可能的是态度恶劣,来个种族歧视! 但你要有证据,证明他当天是因为你是中国人才拒绝你,才对你态度恶劣。但当天对你凶的人不是作决定的人,所以你无法把他作为控告对象。对于作决定的BROAD,你没有跟他们接触过,所以也不能控告他们。把问题放大,控告学校! 但好象更加不现实。
最后,此处不留人,自有留人处,何必跟他计较呢。正如SEASTCN所说的,TRY MCGILL, TRAINING OR LOOK FOR JOB。