Post by 烟雨江南
走了很久,一个人不肯放弃自己小小的梦想经历了许多风雨移民到了加拿大, 希望与一个人携手共赴一生的旅程。
我是个简单、平凡且十分传统的中国女孩(没有高挑的魔鬼身材和天使的脸庞),容貌端庄秀丽,善良温婉,真诚乐观平和。另一方面,我又不乏现代女性的清醒独立。走近我, 你会发现我不是一个精通琴棋书画诗酒花让你四处炫耀的漂亮女友, 而是一位懂得柴米油盐酱醋茶,平平淡淡过日子,不离不弃, 风雨同舟的知心爱人。
理想中的你诚实,健康,相貌端正,善良正直受过良好教育,观念传统,自尊自重,洁身自好且未婚的男子汉, 32岁以下,身高172以上,硕士尤佳。
希望有缘的你能看见这些文字, 与我联系。执子之手,与子携老。[email="yyjn6@yahoo.com.cn"]yyjn6@yahoo.com.cn([/email]烟雨江南)
in fact , most of the men care about the looking first, then the inside. why you do not describe your height, age, and shape. this is very important for most men.
according to your demand of your potential bf, I think your condition would be like this
height: 155-157cm, weight: 40-50kg, age, 28-31 years old.
education: lower than master.
looking: not pretty, not very ugly.
character: nice, good at cooking and handling the house work. if you are never married, I think your personality would be little bit tough.
am i right? |