关于陈慧的失踪,“闺蜜”先是对媒体说“It’s not like her at all,” 完全不像她的做法。然后,“Guo said she last spoke to Chen on the evening of Feb. 18 and they had plans to play cards together the following day. On that Friday, something came up in Guo’s schedule and she sent her best friend two text messages asking if they could get together instead on Saturday.“She never answered me,” Guo said, adding that “everything seemed OK” 当她们在18号“传说中”最后一次电话中商量19号聚会,然后19号给陈慧发了两个短信都没有回“She never answered me,”“闺蜜”却说“everything seemed OK”, 一切都正常。这是什么逻辑?!http://montrealgazette.com/news/ ... sing-woman-hui-chen
关于崔晓明案、李建萍案、陈慧案、李迎春案的质疑,请到 律政混混博客(中英双语),用事实说话。 律政混混,IForYou, Tumblr blogger (English/Chinese) and 新浪博客博主, a voice for little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!