I did some research after posting this message. A thread in dpreview.com said that there was no duty for cameras and lens. Instead, he was charged both PST and GST. And some kind of brokerage from UPS. The amount is radiculous.
Do you think it is a good idea to buy camera and lens from US? What about asking a friend buy one in states and mail it to me as a gift?
u can place order from some US website, the tax depends on your mailing address in US, it varies from state to state.
The best way you have your friend in US to take camera for you, later you go to US to pick it.
Yuo can order online.There is no state's tax chage for Canadian residence.But you have to pay 7% GST.The produts will send by Fedex or UPS etc.This is a save & legal way to get goods from States.
Post by 左眼瞪右眼
1. 如果通过邮购的方式在美国买,15%的税是跑不掉的。这点我通过实际的购买已经证实。
2. 如果只是买机身,确切地说,加拿大和美国的价格差很小。价格差比较大的是镜头!
3. 要搞清楚你的那个价格是kits(含镜头)的价格还是单机身的价格。据我所知,这边的机身价格没有你说的那么贵,可能你是在futureshop之类的地方了解的价格。建议你到老港的几个专业的照相器材商店去看,其中一个simon's的价格应该是最便宜的。你可以看看这个链接http://www.simonscameras.com/digitalphoto/slrbodies/index.asp?cat=200&fmt=70&ftype=0,rebel机身的价格也就是$CAN1040。