G先生与D小姐 Global注册教育储蓄计划 理财顾问 免费咨询服务 电话或短信:514-222-2650 事实: 1.2013年以后出生的孩子在加拿大境内接受高等教育的费用可高达14万刀。 2.大部分商业银行的储蓄账户并不能提供高收益,且利息收入还需要缴税。 3.超过70%的加拿大居民不了解政府能够提供的教育福利金,以及教育储蓄金能带来的税金抵免额度。 我们是来自Global金融公司的注册教育储蓄计划理财顾问。我们的公司拥有近20年的历史以及专业的教育理财团队。我们将为您提供免费的咨询服务,旨在帮助更多蒙城的华人父母们为孩子们将来的高等教育做好资金方面的准备,使您的收益最大化,并得到更多的政府教育福利金。 请参考在线计算器来计算孩子成年时将得到的收益: 您只需输入孩子的年龄及计划投资额度即可立即查看结果。 请发邮件,或致电我们,我们会尽快和您联络。
E-Man & Xiao Global RESP Corporation Registered Education Savings Plan Representative/ Financial Advisor Free Consultation Some Facts: 1. The cost of post-secondary education for a child born in 2013 could rise up to more than $140,000. 2. Savings accounts at commercial banks usually have low rate of return as well as limitations in terms of taxes. 3. More than 70% of Canadian residents are not aware of their access to plenty of government educational grants and ways of earning tax credits and deferring tax payments. My Name is Eman, my wife Xiao and I are financial consultants working at Global RESP Corporation. Our goal is to help parents or guardians in Montreal to optimize their savings, gain government grants, so that their children will be well-prepared financially by the time they enter into post-secondary education. Why us? 1. We offer you FREE consultation in our formal office. 2. We are working with a team of experienced professionals who will maximize your investments more than any other. 3. We are very friendly and we have a culturally diverse family of our own so we can relate to your situations and your needs. Please refer to our online CALCULATOR to see how much your children will have if you invest now: http://online.globalresp.com/gresp/RESPCalculator.html VISUALIZE the results by simply entering name, age and how much you plan to contribute. You have QUESTIONS? Call or Text: 514-222-2650 We look forward to hearing from you.