“寒夜客来茶当酒,竹炉汤沸火初红。寻常一样窗前月,才有梅花便不同。” 新月梅花,疏影横斜,映照茶席间。用心设置的茶席,应天之时,载地之气,与陈继儒在《小窗幽记》中所述:“知蓄书史,能亲笔砚,布景物有趣,种花木有方,名曰清致。”异曲同工。
看到这里,你是不是觉得:诶呀!这也太高大上了!no,no,no… 秉承着寓教于乐,雅俗共赏的初衷,汉学社的老师们会带着你从最基础的知识一步一步了解茶道与古琴。
为保证课程质量,一节课限 6-7 名学员,仅限持木牌会员。
时间: 2016年11月5日
汉舞 10:00-11:00
茶艺 12:30 - 15:00
古琴 15:00 - 17:00
地点location : 7楼,Hall Building, 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. w.(Guy-Concordia metro)
1. 发email到hanxueshemtl@gmail.com,约一个时间来办公室取,今年只收木牌制作费用15$,从明年9月开始收取年费
2.根据约定时间来办公室取木牌,地址:房间306,2020Mackay(guy Concordia地铁旁)7楼
3. 缴费15$,注册会员信息
4. 每周将会收到课程注册email,注册课程
5. 根据注册信息参加每周汉学社活动
Guqin and Tea Ceremony Workshop
Guqin is a plucked seven-string Chinese musical instrument of the zither family. Its origin can be traced back to over 4000 years. Guqin is mainly played by the Chinese literatis in ancient time, the most well-known literati Confucius was also a Guqin player, therefore Guqin is not merely an instrument but also a necessity for self-cultivation.
Accompanying playing Guqin, Tea Ceremony is usually used. At a very basic level, tea ceremonies are a formalized way of making tea, in a process which has been refined to yield the best taste. Everyone has a different understanding of tea culture, our guest tea ceremony teacher will bring three kinds of tea and share with you her understanding of tea.
This Fall, Traditional Chinese Han Culture will give free introductory level workshops about Guqin andTea Ceremony to registered members with a wooden membership card. (Course will be provided in Chinese with interpreter helping the translation.)
Seats are limited to ensure the quality of class (6-7 people)
Course fee: free(Only for Wooden Membership card holder)
Date:Nov,5th 2016
Han Dance: 10:00-11:30
Incense Lore 12:30 – 15:00
Guqin : 15:00 – 17:00
Hall Building 7th floor, 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. w.(Guy-Concordia metro)
How to become a Member?
1. Send email to hanxueshemtl@gmail.com or message us directly on facebook to schedule an appointment with us to pick up card
2. Come to our office at Room306, Mackay 2020(Metro Guy-Concordia)
3. Pay 15$ and register wood member card
4. Receive course registration email and come to our weekly event
Membership Benefits:
Fall Term Activities
1. Free weekly workshops (Guqin, Incense Lore, Traditional Chinese Dance)
2. Discount in restaurants (under negotiation)
Please check out our facebook page for the latest Schedule: