美国新泽西州且里希尔市卫生官员(2002年2月)11日说,在该市"肯尼迪纪念"医院发现一种类似感冒的神秘病症,该病已经导致1女性死亡,7人住院。目前专家正在对这种病进行调查.......据报道,死者乔安妮·赫姆斯特里特现年46岁,来自马萨诸塞州金斯顿市。赫姆斯特里特10日到切里希尔市的"希尔顿"酒店参加一个大型展销会,展销会现场大约有500人。不久,赫姆斯特里特出现发烧、头痛、气短、呕吐等症状,随即被紧急送往医院。但这种类似流感的症状随之转为肺炎,并出现紫癜并发症。几个小时后,赫姆斯特里特就因抢救无效死亡。 在展会现场与赫姆斯特里特有过接触的大约80人都已到医院接受检查并服用了抗生素,已有7人住院。这7人都出现发烧、打颤、咽喉肿痛、浑身乏力等症状,其中2人已演变成为肺炎。 目前有关人员已经进入希尔顿酒店进行调查。据负责调查此事的专家透露,目前最担心的是这种奇怪病症可能是由脑膜炎双球菌、炭疽或军团病引起的,但这叁种病症的特征与这种怪病的特征并不相符。
Source: CNN and AP online and the NY Times, 10 Feb 2002 [edited]
Woman Dies, 80 Fall Ill at Convention
More than 80 people were treated at a hospital and one woman died
Sunday after falling ill at a mortgage company's convention, held at
a suburban Philadelphia hotel [in Cherry Hill, New Jersey]. Doctors
said the woman had signs of bacterial pneumonia and a rash associated
with the types of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis.
"Because it could -- and I emphasize 'could' -- be the form of meningococcal disease, we've offered preventative antibiotics with those who had close contact," said Dr. David Condoluci, chief of infectious diseases at Kennedy Memorial Hospitals. He expected laboratory results on Monday. Later in the day, Dr. Conduluci suggested that the cause of the woman's death was severe pneumonia rather than meningitis. "We don't know the exact cause of her demise at this time, though ... this looks like a case of Pneumococcal
pneumonia with a very severe complication," said Dr Condoluci.
Seven people were hospitalized and 77 other convention-goers went to the emergency room at Kennedy Memorial Hospitals-Cherry Hill on Sunday, hospital spokeswoman Nicole Pensiero said.
[The dead woman] was among 500 people at Cendant Mortgage's annual
meeting for sales staff Saturday when she began complaining of headache, fever, chills and vomiting, Condoluci said. Her condition worsened throughout the day, and she was critically ill when she arrived at the hospital that evening. She died early Sunday, Condoluci said.
Health officials said the illness [presumably referring to meningococcal disease] is not highly contagious. But the Cherry Hill Hilton was quarantined Sunday from 2 AM to 10 AM, night manager Glenn Oldack said.
None of the 7 people hospitalized was in critical condition, Condoluci said. Among the 77 others, he said, 6 were given
antibiotics because they may have come in contact with [the dead woman's] bodily fluids.
The Camden County Health Department was talking to convention-goers at the hotel Sunday morning, Condoluci said. Health officials and other local authorities remained at the Hilton just before noon.
Later, health authorities suggested that the cause of the woman's death was severe pneumonia rather than meningitis. "We don't know the exact cause of her demise at this time, though ... this looks like a case of Pneumococcal pneumonia with a very severe complication," said Dr.David Condoluci, the hospital's chief of infectious diseases.
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