I agree with Xian's comments. At first, I thought the housewife and Forks were the former couple and continued their post-divorce fight here under this forum. It's such an ordinary topic and simply evolves more complicated. At least I didn't see anything too odd in housewife's posts - plus such a BBS is nothing formal like academic research but a virtual place to have some fun, although more serious ideas/comments would help create value and build up our voices for the Chinese community as a whole.
I think the Housewife brought a very good point in her reply - that is Forks' attitude problem might have contributed to the ending up in his relationship with his ex-wife in a divorce- even though it's too harsh to say that he deserved it. After all I believe that no one would have ever hoped for an unfortunate result at the first place.
Again, I didn't see anything too extreme or weird in the housewife's opening remarks, and I wouldn't be surprised even if housewife were a man trying to make some fun or being merely a joke. So on the contrary to what Forks thought, it was you, not the housewife that looked like somebody's ex-wife. I mean the comments you made regarding an unknown person (even a lay) didn't seem to be from the mouth of a guy to say the least! And further contrary to what you thought, it was you, not the housewife, that may need treatment or counseling from a psychiatrist (you problem may be more severe than what CLSC can diagnosis and offer a cure). Also, have you had any trouble from your parents or bad impact in your childhood? How could you link such a simple matter to someone's parents, control, money, and so on, which almost mounted to personal attack? Forks, what a deeply troubled man. It's too bad that your expertise in other areas didn't work well in your personal life. You ex-wife may feel relieved if she ever had a chance to read what you have posted.
Last point, for the "great community work" that you claimed - you may open a new topic that focuses specifically on your devotion - to me it's more like a typical speech from a small politician who had just got beaten and lost his campaign! And your underlining attitude towards Xian and housewife doesn't seem like helping people neither. And above all, please, don't judge on people!
Anyway, come on buddy, let's all be positive. |