To 烘焙心情:
Reading can release you for a while but it will not sovle your problem. you can try go outside park, mount royal, etc, where there are some people and you will not feel lonely. if you like, you can try to talk to sb there. Noting that, in parks or some nature environment, people are more easy to open and like to listen or talk.
reading book too much or raising a pet too long will seperate you from others. they can be a temporal company. you need friends. it doesnot matter to be a big "bulb". lightening others then lightening yourself.
what book do you have? i have some. about fish: the water for fish have to be leave in a container for at least 24 hours before you use it. it is becausae of tempreture or some chemical stuff in the water. by the way, what kind of fish do you have?
good luck |