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[摄影讨论] Canon 1ds Mark Ii^...

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发表于 2004-9-20 20:47 | 只看该作者
Camera menus<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width=545 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=tdcontent align=middle width="50%"></TD><TD class=tdlabelsimp vAlign=top width="50%">The EOS-1D Mark II's menus are divided across five pages, hold the MENU button and turn the quick control dial to select the required menu. Hold the SELECT button and turn the quick control dial to enter the menu page and adjust settings.

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Recording Menu

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=520 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top align=middle><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm colSpan=2 height=26></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85 height=26>Option</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=424 height=26>Description</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Custom WB</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Select an image from a 3 x 3 thumbnail index to be used for manual white balance [clip]</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>JPEG quality</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Set the JPEG quality (compression level) for each image size [clip]
(1 = low quality / high compression, 10 = high quality / low compression):
• Large (3504 x 2336): 1 - 10
• Medium1 (3104 x 2072): 1 - 10
• Medium2 (2544 x 1696): 1 - 10
• Small (1728 x 1152): 1 - 10</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>arameters</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Select Standard or one of three custom image parameter sets: [clip]
• Tone curve (a custom tone curve used to convert the linear image to normal gamma)
• Sharpness (0 to 5)
• Contrast (-2 to +2)</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Color matrix</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Select the output colour space / chroma (saturation) combination: [clip]
• 1 Standard sRGB (neutral)
• 2 Portrait sRGB (adjusts hue / chroma best for skin tones)
• 3 High Saturation sRGB (similar to slide film, high saturation, vivid colors)
• 4 Adobe RGB color space (neutral)
• 5 Low Saturation sRGB (captures wider color gamut)
• 6 Custom Set 1 (custom programmed via Set up option)
• 7 Custom Set 2 (custom programmed via Set up option)
• Set up (CM1/CM2: sRGB / Adobe RGB, Low to High Saturation, +/-2 Color tone)</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>RAW+JPEG rec.</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Enables the recording of a JPEG file at the same time as RAW:
• RAW + Large/Fine
• RAW + Large/Normal
• RAW + Small/Fine
• RAW only</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Review</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Selects record review mode: [clip]
• Off
• On - single image with aperture, shutter speed and image size / quality
• On (Info) - single image with exposure information and histogram </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Review time</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Set the amount of time the record review image is shown:
• 2 sec
• 4 sec
• 8 sec
• Hold - display until shutter release is half-pressed</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Noise reduction</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Enable / disable noise reduction (active for shutter speeds of 1 sec or slower)
• Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>ISO expansion</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>When On the 'outside recommended working range' ISO 50 (L) and ISO 3200 (H) become available:
• Off
• On </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Display / Play Menu

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=520 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top align=middle><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm colSpan=2 height=26></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85 height=26>Option</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=424 height=26>Description</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>rotect images</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>rotect images (mark them as 'read only' on the CF filesystem): [clip]
• Select all in folder
• Clear all in folder
• Select all on CF card
• Clear all on CF card</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Rotate</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Enter rotate mode, browse images, press SELECT to rotate:
• 90 degrees clockwise
• 90 degrees counterclockwise
• No rotation</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Erase all on card</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Erases all images (except protected images): [clip]
• OK
• Cancel</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>rint Order</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Set DPOF print order: [clip]
• Order (select images to be printed, number of copies)
• Set up (print type, date, file no.)
• All</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Highlight alert</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Overexposed areas of an image to blink in play mode:
• On
• Off</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Display AF points</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Red boxes to be displayed on the image indicating the AF points used in the exposure (info view only):
• On
• Off</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Histogram display</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Select histogram display type:
• Brightness
• RGB</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Set-up Menu 1

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=520 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top align=middle><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm colSpan=2 height=26></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85 height=26>Option</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=424 height=26>Description</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Auto power off</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Set the camera auto power off time:
• 1 min
• 2 min
• 4 min
• 8 min
• 15 min
• 30 min
• Off</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>File numbering</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Controls how the camera numbers images, it can be set to automatically return to zero when a blank card is inserted, return to zero only when set manually or use continuous running numbers:
• A-Reset
• Continuous
• M-Reset</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>BackUp</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Choose if images are written to both cards (CF & SD) simultaneously: [clip]
• Off
• CF -> SD
• CF <- SD</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Auto rotate</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Select whether images are automatically rotated based on the orientation sensor:
• On
• Off</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Save camera settings</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Stores current camera settings (shooting mode, menu settings, custom fn, personal fn) to current card: (creates a .CSD file) [clip]
• OK
• Cancel</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Loading camera settings</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Loads previously stored camera settings from current card, camera resets after load:
• OK
• Cancel</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Format</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Format the CF card: [clip]
• Card1 (CF)
• Card2 (SD)</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Set-up Menu 2

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=520 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top align=middle><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm colSpan=2 height=26></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85 height=26>Option</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=424 height=26>Description</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>LCD brightness</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Set the LCD monitor brightness: [clip]
• 1 - 5 (where 3 is normal)</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Date/time</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Set the camera's internal clock:
• Date / Time
• Date format (dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yy, yy/mm/dd)</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Language</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Select menu and alert language: [clip]
• English
• German
• French
• Dutch
• Danish
• Finnish
• Italian
• Norwegen
• Swedish
• Spanish
• Chinese
• Japanese</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Video system</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Choose video system output:
• PAL</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Firmware</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Used to display current firmware version and load new firmware from a storage card[/url]</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=85>Sensor cleaning</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=424>Begins the sensor cleaning procedure (as defined in the camera manual): [url="http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/CanonEOS1DMkII/Images/Captures/1dmkii_046.gif"][clip]
• OK
• Cancel</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-9-20 20:48 | 只看该作者
Custom / Personal functionsThe EOS-1D Mark II has 22 custom functions and 26 personal functions. Custom and personal functions can be 'registered' into one of three 'custom function groups', the idea being that you can instantly switch between different sets of custom / personal functions for different situations or photographers.

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width=480 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR align=middle><TD class=tdcontentsm></TD><TD class=tdcontentsm></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm>All custom function screens on one contact sheet</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm>All custom function screens on one printable contact sheet</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Custom functions can be programmed directly via the camera's C.Fn/P.Fn Menu. Personal Functions can only be enabled / disabled (turned ON or OFF), you can not change the value of a Personal Function in-camera, this must be done via the supplied Canon EOS Viewer Utility while connected to a computer.

Custom Functions

The only custom functions which have changed since the EOS-1D/1Ds are C.Fn 14 (E-TTL II) and C.Fn 21 (Drive speed priority AI Servo).

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=520 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53 height=26>C.Fn</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=203 height=26>Description</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=248 height=26>Options</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>01</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Finder display during exposure
Controls if exposure information and remaining buffer space is displayed during continuous shooting.</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - No viewfinder display
• 1 - Finder display on
</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>02</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Shutter release without card
Disable the shutter button if there is no card inserted</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - Possible without card
• 1 - Not possible</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>04</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Shutter button / AE lock button
Controls the function of the shutter release and AE lock buttons</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - AF / AE lock
• 1 - AE lock / AF
• 2 - AF / AF Lock, no AE lock
• 3 - AE / AF, no AE lock</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>05</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Manual TV/AV set for M exposure
Select which controls set either shutter speed or aperture in manual exposure mode. Also changes the way auto bracketing is executed.
</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - Tv = main, Av = quick
• 1 - Tv= quick, Av = main
• 2 - Tv= main, Av = quick w/o lens
• 3 - Tv = quick, Av = main w/o lens</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>06</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Exposure level increments
Select either third, half or full stop increments for shutter speed, aperture and exposure compensation</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - 1/3-stop set, 1/3-stop compen.
• 1 - 1-stop set, 1/3-stop compen.
• 2 - 1/2-stop set, 1/2-stop compen.</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>07</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>USM lens electronic MF
Allows you to control manual focusing on certain USM lenses</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - Turns on after one-shot AF
• 1 - Turns off after one-shot AF
• 2 - Always turned off</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>08</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Top LCD panel / Back LCD panel
Controls what information is displayed on the top and back LCD panels</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - Remaining shots / File number
• 1 - ISO / Remaining shots
• 2 - ISO / File number
• 3 - Shots in folder / Remaining shots</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>09</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Auto bracketing sequence / cancel
Alter the AEB sequence. If Auto cancellation is selected bracketing will be cancelled if lens is changed or camera is powered off</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - 0,-,+ / Auto cancellation
• 1 - 0,-,+ / No cancellation
• 2 - -,0,+ / Auto cancellation
• 3 - -,0,+ / No cancellation</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>10</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>AF point illumination
Controls the way the AF points are superimposed on the viewfinder focus screen</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - On
• 1 - Off
• 2 - On without dimming
• 3 - Brighter</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>11</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>AF point selection method
Set the button / dial control combinations used to select AF points</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - AF point + main / quick dial
• 1 - Exp. compen + main / quick dial
• 2 - Assist + main / quick dial alone
• 3 - FEL button + main / quick dial</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>12</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Mirror lockup
Lock mirror up before main exposure, used to reduce vibration for long telephoto or macro shots. When enabled two presses of shutter release are required (or one with self timer).
</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - Disable
• 1 - Enable</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>13</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Number of AF points / Spot metering
Set the number of selectable AF points and if spot metering follows the active AF point or is locked at the center of the viewfinder</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - 45 / Center AF point
• 1 - 11 / Active AF point
• 2 - 11 / Center AF point
• 3 - 9 / Active AF point</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>14</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>E-TTL II
If set to Average the flash exposure is averaged over the Area AF ellipse</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - Evaluative
• 1 - Average</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>15</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Shutter curtain synchronization
Allows you to control where in the exposure the flash fires in a slow sync flash shot</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - 1st-curtain sync
• 1 - 2nd-curtain sync</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>16</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Safety shift in Av or Tv
If a subjects brightness suddenly changes and the current Av or Tv setting is unsuitable the camera will automatically change the setting to obtain a correct exposure
</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - Disable
• 1 - Enable</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>17</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>AF point activation area
Expands the active AF point either by one point or two points around the selected AF point</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - Single AF point
• 1 - Expand 7 AF points
• 2 - Automatic expand (max 13 AF points)</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>18</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Switch to registered AF point
Defines what button combination must be pressed to return the AF point to a previously registered AF point</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - Assist + AF point button
• 1 - Assist button
• 2 - Only while pressing Assist button</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>19</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Lens AF stop button function
Controls the function of the AF button on certain AF lenses</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - AF stop
• 1 - AF start
• 2 - AE lock while metering
• 3 - AF point, MF - Auto, AF - Center
• 4 - AF mode: one shot <> AI servo
• 5 - IS start</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>20</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>AI servo tracking sensitivity
Sets the AI servo tracking speed, setting to slow can prevent it from being thrown off by obstructions passing between the camera and the subject
</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - Standard
• 1 - Slow
• 2 - Moderately slow
• 3 - Moderately fast
• 4 - Fast</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>21</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Drive speed priority AI Servo
When enabled a shot will be taken even if focus has not completely locked</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - Disable
• 1 - Enable</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>00</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Focusing Screen</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 0 - Ec-N,R
• 1 - EC-A,B,C,CII,CIII,D,H,I,L (default)</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Personal Functions

You can set personal functions through the Canon EOS Viewer Utility when the camera is connected to a computer. Once a personal function has been set it can be enabled / disabled from the camera.

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=520 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53 height=26>P.Fn</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=203 height=26>Description</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=248 height=26>Options</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>01</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Disable shooting modes
Allows you to disable any combination of the modes shown here *</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Disable program AE
• Disable shutter-priority AE
• Disable aperture-priority AE
• Disable bulb exposure
• Disable manual exposure</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>02</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Disable metering modes
Allows you to disable any combination of metering modes shown here * </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Disable evaluative metering
• Disable partial metering
• Disable spot metering
• Disable center-weighted average metering</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>03</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Specify metering mode for manual exposure </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Evaluative
• Partial metering
• Spot metering
• Center-weighted average metering</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>04</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Set maximum and minimum shutter speeds </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Maximum - any up to 1/8000 sec
• Minimum - any down to 30 sec</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>05</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Set maximum and minimum apertures</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Maximum - any down to F91
• Minimum - any up to F1</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>06</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Registers and switches the shooting and metering mode</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>07</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Repeats bracketing during continuous shooting </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>08</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Set number of shots to be bracketed</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 2
• 3
• 5
• 7</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>09</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Change the bracketing sequence for C.Fn 9 2/3 to increased, standard, decreased</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>10</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Retains the shift amount for program shift </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>14</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Disables focus detection (search driving) by the lens drive</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>15</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Disables the AF-assist beam from being emitted (by connected flash)</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>16</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Enables automatic shooting when focus is achieved at the fixed point of focus when the shutter button is pressed fully</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>17</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Disables automatic AF point selection</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>18</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Enables automatic AF point selection when C.Fn 11-2 has been set</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>19</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Sets continuous shooting speed</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Low speed: 3, 2, 1 fps
• High speed: 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 fps </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>20</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Limits number of shots during continuous shooting </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248>Numeric</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>21</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Enables silent operation when the shutter button is OFF after picture taking</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>23</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Change timers length *</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • 6 sec Timer
• 16 sec Timer
• Post-shutter release timer: 2 sec

</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>24</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Illuminate the LCD panels during Bulb exposure</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>25</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Set default settings for camera reset </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248>(Various settings)</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>26</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Shortened shutter release time lag </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>27</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Reverse direction of dials</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• Main dial
• Quick control dial
• Both dials</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>28</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>revent exposure compensation with quick control dial</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>30</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Quick Control on/off switch affects Main Dial too</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=53>31</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=203>Add original decision data
(adds digital 'signature' to image for use with data verification kit) </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=248> • Off
• On</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-9-20 20:51 | 只看该作者
Timings & File SizesAs you may expect coming from the EOS-1D and considering that this is Canon's new top of the line digital sports SLR the Mark II is fast. Most functions such as image review or switching into play mode take no more than a second, image browsing is fast (especially once the camera has cached an image) and menus pop onto the display very quickly. The most impressive performance however comes from this camera's continuous shooting and card write capability. As we know the Mark II can shoot at around 8.3 frames per second and has a buffer large enough to hold 40 JPEG frames, its CF and SD throughput are fully optimized to ensure that these buffered images are written away as quickly as possible, most interesting however in our tests was how much faster our SanDisk Ultra II SD card was compared to the equivelant CF, maybe CF's days are numbered...

If we could find a niggle it could be that there is a slight delay at power up (0.8 sec) before you can take a shot, this appears to be taken up with the camera detecting and accessing the storage card. Canon's rival the four megapixel Nikon D2H has absolutely no delay at startup.

Timing Notes: All times calculated as an average of three operations. Unless otherwise stated all timings were made on a Large (3504 x 2336) JPEG image (approx. 2,600 KB per image). Where indicated 'qX' marks the JPEG quality level selected, the default being q8.

Media Notes: The 4 GB Lexar Pro card was tested formatted with a FAT32 default cluster size (4 KB) and also larger 32 KB cluster size, no performance improvement was noted. The SanDisk Ultra II cards have the same performance as the SanDisk Extreme cards sold in North America.

The media used for this test were:

  • 2 GB SanDisk Ultra II Type I CF card
  • 4 GB Lexar Pro 40x Type II CF card (FAT32)
  • 512 MB SanDisk Ultra II SD card
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=504 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR class=tdlabelsimpsm><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm vAlign=top width=128 height=33>Action</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm vAlign=top width=69 height=33>Details</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm vAlign=top align=middle width=93 height=33>Time, seconds
(SanDisk CF)
</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm vAlign=top align=middle width=93 height=33>Time, seconds
(Lexar CF)
</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm vAlign=top align=middle width=95 height=33>Time, seconds
(SanDisk SD)
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top width=128>ower: Off to On *1

</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top align=left width=69> </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93>0.8</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93>0.8</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=95>0.8</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top width=128>ower: On to Off</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top align=left width=69> </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93><0.5</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93><0.5</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=95><0.5</TD></TR><TR><TD class=small vAlign=top colSpan=5 height=2></TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top width=128>Record: Review *2</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top align=left width=69>RAW</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93>1.1</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93>1.1</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=95>1.1</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top width=128>Record: Review *2</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top align=left width=69>JPEG</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93>1.0</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93>1.0</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=95>1.0</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top width=128>Record: to Play *3</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top align=left width=69>RAW</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93>0.8 / 0.5</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93>0.8 / 0.5</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=95>0.7 / 0.5</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top width=128>Record: to Play *3</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top align=left width=69>JPEG</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93>1.1 / 0.6</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93>1.2 / 0.6</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=95>1.1 / 0.6</TD></TR><TR><TD class=small vAlign=top colSpan=5 height=2></TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top width=128>lay: Image to Image *3 </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top align=left width=69>RAW</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93><0.5 / <0.1</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93><0.5 / <0.1</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=95><0.5 / <0.1</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top width=128>lay: Image to Image *3 </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top align=left width=69>JPEG</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93>1.1 / <0.1</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=93>1.2 / <0.1</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=95>1.1 / <0.1</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width=504 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=small11 vAlign=top align=middle width=14>*1</TD><TD class=small11 width=462>This timing was taken from the moment the power switch was turned to on to the moment a shot was taken (by holding down the shutter release from power on).

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=small11 vAlign=top align=middle width=14>*2</TD><TD class=small11 width=462>This is the amount of time between pressing the shutter release and the image being displayed on the LCD monitor.</TD></TR><TR><TD class=small11 vAlign=top align=middle width=14>*3</TD><TD class=small11 width=462>The Mark II appears to cache images which have been viewed recently to speed up browsing in play mode. The first timing is for the camera to load the image from the media card (if it has not already been cached), the second is if they have been viewed and cached by the camera.

Continuous Drive mode

To test continuous mode the camera had the following settings: Manual Focus, Manual Exposure (1/250 sec, F3.5), ISO 100. The camera was aimed at a high speed stopwatch, the watch was started and a burst of frames were taken until the cameras buffer filled, as soon as the busy lamp on the storage compartment went out another single shot was taken to mark the 'flush after last frame' time difference. A second test was carried out to measure the buffer full continuous shooting speed (the speed at which the camera continues to shoot if you hold your finger on the shutter button after burst of shots).

  • Frames in burst - the number of shots which can be taken at the measured speed, until the camera's internal buffer fills.
  • Flush after last frame - the amount of time after the last frame of a burst before the busy light on the storage compartment goes out, another full burst can be taken.
  • Buffer full speed - the speed at which the camera shoots if you keep your finger on the shutter release button even after the buffer fills (the camera continues to write out to the storage card, as a frame of space is freed in the buffer another shot is taken).
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=504 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm align=middle width=67>Continuous
</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm align=middle width=67>Measured
</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm align=left width=158>Image type</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm align=middle width=58>Frames in
a burst
</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm align=middle width=65>Flush after last frame </TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm align=middle width=58>Buffer full
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=67 rowSpan=4>High</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=67 rowSpan=4>8.33 fps</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=left width=158>3504 x 2336 RAW</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>20</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=65>39.4 sec</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>0.5 fps</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm align=left width=158>3504 x 2336 RAW+JPEG (L, q8)</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>20</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=65>50.0 sec</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>0.35 fps</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm align=left width=158>3504 x 2336 JPEG (L, q8)</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>43</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=65>29.4 sec</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>1.3 fps</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm align=left width=158>2544 x 1696 JPEG (M2, q8)</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>70</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=65>28.0 sec</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>2.0 fps</TD></TR><TR><TD align=left colSpan=6 height=2></TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=67 rowSpan=4>Low</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=67 rowSpan=4>3.00 fps</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=left width=158>3504 x 2336 RAW</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>22</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=65>40.3 sec</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>0.5 fps</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm align=left width=158>3504 x 2336 RAW+JPEG (L, q8)</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>20</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=65>48.4 sec</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>0.35 fps</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm align=left width=158>3504 x 2336 JPEG (L, q8)</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>63</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=65>31.3 sec</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>1.3 fps</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm align=left width=158>2544 x 1696 JPEG (M2, q8)</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>150</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=65>28.8 sec</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=58>2.0 fps</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>The results speak for themselves, the EOS-1D Mark II can push 8.33 x 8.2 megapixel images per second from its sensor (68 megapixel/sec) and has enough buffer space for twenty RAW images or 40 (or more) full resolution JPEG images. Drop output image size to around four megapixels and you can shoot 70 JPEG frames at 8.33 fps. Write speed is also very impressive, fill the camera's buffer and on average you'll be waiting around thirty seconds before the entire buffer is empty, a maximum of 50 seconds in the worst case.

Below are the results of our write performance tests on two CF and one SD card. The test is carried out by taking a full burst of shots and measuring the amount of time the storage card activity light is on, the amount of data written is then divided by this time to calculate the card throughput.

The biggest surprise was the performance of SanDisk's Ultra II SD card which out-performed the Compact Flash cards by some margin, especially in RAW mode where it was almost twice as fast delivering a blistering 6.5 MB/sec. Truly amazing.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-9-20 20:51 | 只看该作者
Card performance: JPEG

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=504 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=156 height=32>Card</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=337 height=32>Canon EOS-1D Mark II, write speed (JPEG L files)</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=156>2 GB SanDisk Ultra II Type I CF</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=337>3,139 KB/sec

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=156>4 GB Lexar Pro 40x Type II CF </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=337>2,164 KB/sec</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsmhigh width=156>512 MB SanDisk Ultra II SD </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=337>4,877 KB/sec</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Card performance: RAW

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=504 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=155 height=32>Card</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=338 height=32>Canon EOS-1D Mark II, write speed (RAW files)</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=155>2 GB SanDisk Ultra II Type I CF</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=338>3,799 KB/sec

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=155>4 GB Lexar Pro 40x Type II CF </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=338>2,900 KB/sec</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsmhigh width=155>512 MB SanDisk Ultra II SD </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=338>6,681 KB/sec</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Firewire Reader Benchmark

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=504 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=156 height=32>Card</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=337 height=32>Firewire Reader, write speed (RAW files)</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=156>2 GB SanDisk Ultra II Type I CF</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=337>3,772 KB/sec

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=156>4 GB Lexar Pro 40x Type II CF </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=337>2,645 KB/sec</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=156>512 MB SanDisk Ultra II SD </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=337>3,336 KB/sec</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
File Flush Timing

Timings shown below are the time taken for the camera to process and "flush" the image out to the storage card. The Mark II will begin writing images as soon as it can and continue to write 'in the background' while you take further shots / change settings. You can not browse other images or enter the camera menu while images are being written to the storage card.

Below the number in (brackets) equates to the JPEG quality level which can be set through the camera's parameter menu. The quality level of 8 is the default, higher numbers mean higher quality and less compression.

The media used for this test were:

  • 2 GB SanDisk Ultra II Type I CF card
  • 4 GB Lexar Pro 40x Type II CF card (FAT32)
  • 512 MB SanDisk Ultra II SD card
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=504 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm vAlign=top width=147>Store</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm vAlign=top align=middle width=77 height=33>Time, secs
(SanDisk CF)
</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm vAlign=top align=middle width=69 height=33>Time, secs
(Lexar CF)
</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm vAlign=top align=middle width=73>Time, secs
(SanDisk SD)
</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm vAlign=top align=middle width=50>Approx.
</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm vAlign=top align=middle width=57>Approx.,
2 GB card
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=147>3504 x 2336 RAW *1</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=77>2.14</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top align=middle width=69>2.78</TD><TD class=tdcontentsmhigh vAlign=center align=middle width=73>1.22</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=center align=middle width=50>8,100 KB</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=center align=middle width=57>185</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=147>3504 x 2336 RAW + JPEG *2</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=77>2.85</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top align=middle width=69>3.70</TD><TD class=tdcontentsmhigh vAlign=center align=middle width=73>1.68</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=center align=middle width=50>10,700 KB</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=center align=middle width=57>143</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=147>3504 x 2336 JPEG (L, q10) </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=77>1.33</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top align=middle width=69>1.80</TD><TD class=tdcontentsmhigh vAlign=center align=middle width=73>0.82</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=center align=middle width=50>4,900 KB</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=center align=middle width=57>361</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=147>3504 x 2336 JPEG (L, q8) </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=77>0.86</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top align=middle width=69>1.16</TD><TD class=tdcontentsmhigh vAlign=center align=middle width=73>0.57</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=center align=middle width=50>2,600 KB</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=center align=middle width=57>643</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=147>3504 x 2336 JPEG (L, q6) </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=77>0.74</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top align=middle width=69>1.07</TD><TD class=tdcontentsmhigh vAlign=center align=middle width=73>0.48</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=center align=middle width=50>2,100 KB</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=center align=middle width=57>779</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=147>2544 x 1696 JPEG (M2, q8)</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=middle width=77>0.58</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=top align=middle width=69>0.83</TD><TD class=tdcontentsmhigh vAlign=center align=middle width=73>0.35</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=center align=middle width=50>1,500 KB</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm vAlign=center align=middle width=57>906</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width=504 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=small11 vAlign=top align=middle width=9>*1</TD><TD class=small11 width=467>The Mark II uses a lossless compression (similar to Zip compression) on RAW files, thus they can vary slightly in size depending on ISO sensitivity and the amount of detail in the image.</TD></TR><TR><TD class=small11 vAlign=top align=middle width=9>*2</TD><TD class=small11 width=467>File size reported here is the size of the RAW and JPEG files added together. For our tests we chose Large, quality 8 (default).</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>All I can say is wow, first of all the camera's Compact Flash performance is amazing, it's easily as fast as our fastest device (Firewire card reader) and is probably as fast as these cards could possibly go. That however is overshadowed by the blistering performance put in on its SD interface with that SanDisk Ultra II SD card, just 1.68 seconds to write over 10 MB of data is truly impressive.

Battery life

The EOS-1D Mark II features the same large NP-E3 battery specified as has been used in the 1D and 1Ds. This battery is specified as 1650 mAh at 12 V, which works out as 19.8 Wh (or about 2.5 times the power of the EOS-10D's Lithium-Ion battery. Unlike the EOS-10D this battery pack uses NiMH (Nickel Metal Hydride) battery technology. I am honestly surprised that Canon are sticking with NiMH in what is the third generation 'EOS-1D' digital SLR, I would have expected them to shift to the lighter weight Lithium-Ion or Lithium-Polymer batteries by now.

UPDATE: It's worth noting that several members of our Canon 1D/1Ds forum who are long term EOS-1D users have noted significantly better battery life from the Mark II, to the magnitude of five or six times longer. This could be related to the switch from CCD to CMOS.
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发表于 2004-9-20 20:52 | 只看该作者
Compared to...Competition?

Deciding which camera to use for comparison to the EOS-1D Mark II is tough, its eight million pixels immediately put it way ahead in the resolution stakes to the nearest 'other brand' competition, Nikon's D2H. After this we have the 'prosumer' six megapixel EOS-10D and at the top end the eleven megapixel EOS-1Ds. Ignoring the performance difference (they really are cameras aimed at different markets) between the EOS-1D Mark II and the EOS-1Ds it happens to be the nearest professional competition. It seemed logical to see exactly how much you detail you would 'lose' going for the lower pixel count EOS-1D Mark II.

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width=480 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm>Camera</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm>Output pixels</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm>Continuous
(JPEG Large)
</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm>MP/sec</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm>FOV crop</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm>Nikon D2H

</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm>4.0 million</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm>8.0 fps, 40 frames</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm>32 MP/sec</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm>1.5x</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm>Canon EOS-10D</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm>6.3 million</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm>3.3 fps, 9 frames</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm>21 MP/sec</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm>1.6x</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm>Canon EOS-1D Mark II</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm>8.2 million</TD><TD class=tdcontentsmhigh>8.3 fps, 43 frames</TD><TD class=tdcontentsmhigh>68 MP/sec</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm>1.3x</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm>Canon EOS-1Ds</TD><TD class=tdcontentsmhigh>11.0 million</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm>3.3 fps, 10 frames</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm>36 MP/sec</TD><TD class=tdcontentsmhigh>1.0x</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

(Diagram is to scale for pixel count, not sensor size)

Outdoor scene comparison

The following shot is of Tower Bridge, London. Both shots were taken from the same tripod difference, to compensate for the different sensor sizes (and produce the same frame coverage) the lens zoom was increased for the EOS-1Ds shot. I was surprised at the difference in metering between the 1D Mark II and 1Ds, the Mark II required +0.7 EV compensation to match the 1Ds exposure (which was pretty much spot on).
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-9-20 20:53 | 只看该作者
Resolution Chart ComparisonShots here are of the PIMA/ISO 12233 standard resolution test chart (more of which are available in our comparison database). This resolution chart allows us to measure the actual performance of the lens and sensor system. It measures the ability of the camera to resolve lines at gradually higher resolutions and enables us to provide a definitive value for comparison purposes. Values on the chart are 1/100<SUP>th</SUP> lines per picture height. So a value of 15 equates to 1500 lines per picture height. For each camera the relevant 50 mm prime lens was used. The chart is shot at a full range of apertures and the sharpest image selected.

Studio light, cameras set to auto, all settings factory default. Aperture selected for optimum sharpness. Exposure compensation +0.7 EV to +1.3 EV.

<TABLE class=small cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width=496 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR class=tdcontent><TD align=middle width=272></TD><TD align=middle width=272></TD></TR><TR class=tdlabel align=left><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-1D Mark II (1,935 KB; 8 MP)</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-1Ds (2,811 KB; 11 MP)</TD></TR><TR class=tdcontent><TD align=middle width=272></TD><TD align=middle width=272></TD></TR><TR class=tdlabel align=left><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-10D (1,904 KB; 6 MP)</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Olympus C-8080 WZ (3,089 KB; 8 MP)</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE class=small cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width=508 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR class=tdcontent><TD align=middle width=272></TD><TD align=middle width=272></TD></TR><TR class=tdlabel align=left><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-1D Mark II</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-1Ds</TD></TR><TR class=tdcontent><TD align=middle width=272></TD><TD align=middle width=272></TD></TR><TR class=tdlabel align=left><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-10D</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Olympus C-8080 WZ</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE class=small cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width=508 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR class=tdcontent><TD align=middle width=272></TD><TD align=middle width=272></TD></TR><TR class=tdlabel align=left><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-1D Mark II</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-1Ds</TD></TR><TR class=tdcontent><TD align=middle width=272></TD><TD align=middle width=272></TD></TR><TR class=tdlabel align=left><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-10D</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Olympus C-8080 WZ</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE class=small cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width=508 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR class=tdcontent><TD align=middle width=272></TD><TD align=middle width=272></TD></TR><TR class=tdlabel align=left><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-1D Mark II</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-1Ds</TD></TR><TR class=tdcontent><TD align=middle width=272></TD><TD align=middle width=272></TD></TR><TR class=tdlabel align=left><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-10D</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Olympus C-8080 WZ</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE class=small cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width=508 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR class=tdcontent><TD align=middle width=272></TD><TD align=middle width=272></TD></TR><TR class=tdlabel align=left><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-1D Mark II</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-1Ds</TD></TR><TR class=tdcontent><TD align=middle width=272></TD><TD align=middle width=272></TD></TR><TR class=tdlabel align=left><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Canon EOS-10D</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=272>Olympus C-8080 WZ</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Measurable findings (three measurements taken for each camera):

<TABLE class=small cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width=480 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm align=middle width=150>Camera</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm width=178>Measurement</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm align=right width=70>Absolute
</TD><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm align=right width=69>Extinction
</TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm align=middle width=150 rowSpan=3>Canon EOS-1D Mark II</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=178>Horiz LPH</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=70>1850 </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=69>+ 2000 </TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=178>Vert LPH</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=70>1650 </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=69>+ 2000 </TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=178>5° Diagonal LPH</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=70>+ 1000 </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=69>n/a </TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm align=middle width=150 rowSpan=3>Canon EOS-1Ds</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=178>Horiz LPH</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=70>2400 </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=69>* 2600 </TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=178>Vert LPH</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=70>2000 </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=69>* 2600 </TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=178>5° Diagonal LPH</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=70>+ 2000 </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=69>n/a </TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm align=middle width=150 rowSpan=3>Canon EOS 10D</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=178>Horiz LPH</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=70>1600 </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=69>1900 </TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=178>Vert LPH</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=70>1450 </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=69>1850 </TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=178>5° Diagonal LPH</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=70>+ 1000 </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=69>n/a </TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdlabelsimpsm align=middle width=150 rowSpan=3>Olympus C-8080 WZ</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm width=178>Horiz LPH</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=70>1700 </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=69>+ * 2000 </TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=178>Vert LPH</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=70>1650 </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=69>* 1950 </TD></TR><TR><TD class=tdcontentsm width=178>5° Diagonal LPH</TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=70>+ 1000 </TD><TD class=tdcontentsm align=right width=69>n/a </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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使用道具 举报

Shirley.ambival 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 2004-9-20 21:28 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-9-20 21:36 | 只看该作者
呵呵!真值兄,你那是老皇历了!这个可是16.7M像素 full frame sensor 的1Ds Mark II 啊!不是1D Mark II哦!

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-9-20 22:54 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-9-20 23:48 | 只看该作者
Sorry, I was wrong
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使用道具 举报

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