Itinerary of Trip From Montréal to Mont-Tremblant
1. We start from our school, 1082 Decarie, Montreal, at 7AM of October 9th; we will reach Mont-Tremblant in 2 hours;
2. After we arrive at Mont-Tremblant, we spend 2 hours at Mont-Tremblant Village, that is 9AM-11AM;
montr-tremblant village两个小时似乎稍长了点。非常新的小镇,某些部分在建设中,并没有什么太多的人文气息,完全是一个人工小镇,像奶油蛋糕上的小人-- 给人看的。导游给我们在整个montblant留了至少4个小时,我们又不熟悉路线,不敢到处乱跑,最后只好在山顶晒了两个小时太阳(日光浴),晒得昏昏沉沉的。下来的时候,二十分钟便把小镇给逛了。只好破费跑到咖啡店和咖啡,消磨时间。最后,整个团提前回来的,因为大家都对小镇没太大兴趣。
3. Then we drive in Mont-tremblant park and will spend around 3 hours there; activities including Lac de la Savane, 2 Waterfalls, and picnic, that is 11AM-2PM;
这个我不了解,听起来不错。 3 个小时是不是有稍微短了一点。
4. Then we leave Mont-Tremblant and head for the factory outlet in St-Sauveur and will stay there until 5PM;
5. Finally we return to Montreal along the coming routine and will be back to school at (before) 7PM and finish this wonderful trip.
Anything not clear please contact us at 514-486-2363.
希望地平线的组织者看了这个评论不要get upset. 供我们参考一下。先谢过了。 :wink: