是啊,csu的页面上介绍了5种方法,尤其推荐第一种**Come to the Board of Governors meeting o­n Wednesday the 29th at 8:00 am in GM 407-1.** 去旁听校董们开会。
This is the best way to fight the increase as it’s a lot harder to increase someone’s tuition when they’re staring right at you. At the last meeting we had half a dozen international students present and they put off the increase to the fall which was a big victory.
另,开学的时候csu的总召集会议讨论此事,竟然因没有达到法定人数,而只是通过象征性的投票。Due to the low attendance, the votes were simply indicative. As a result, the CSU is not legally bound to act on any motion passed.