Any value ? What next ? You see such a fighting among Jewish, Italian ... ? Personally in Montreal I know some people are working great, and a lot are studying hard as well. If too much time to kill, what about your English and French ? Or do some social service stuff, like my son, Brian, who is the captain for a public donation compaign in the area we live.
第二部名為“天壤之別”(Between Two Worlds)﹐講述了排華法案生效後中國移民無法融入美國社會﹑無法成為美國公民的悲慘遭遇。在這個對中國人充滿敵意的年代裡﹐中國移民發現美國不再是以前的美國﹐他們好像生活在地獄的邊緣﹐四處遭到襲擊﹑謀殺﹐房子也被焚燒。在這種情況下﹐中國城誕生了﹐並迅速成為中國移民的避難所。