楼主: chorrotte
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-10 16:17 | 只看该作者
Jamais: your point sounds reasonable.  So when I see the new thread of money-sexing on friendship page. Those guys are lovely like a real man.  

Money-sexing is a traditional way  to solve the problem being a single .  At least ,it is better than the men are trying hard to steal the wives who still have husbands and cheating the the lonely girls.
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发表于 2004-10-10 20:18 | 只看该作者
精辟 :cool:
Post by jamais
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发表于 2004-10-10 21:25 | 只看该作者
don't confine yourself to chinese men, be liberate, go to some bars and take your control over man. i don't think it will be a problem for a "lovely" girl like you, be smart, and you will get what you want. haha, frankly, i think you are kinda promoting yourself in a different way over bbs, good luck!
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-10 22:16 | 只看该作者
to kguy:

I think u've stayed here for not short time.  Go to the bar, it is right way! ---

Everybody knows.  I can drink beer with friends but not with the stranger.  I can make friends with the people i like but not with the man whom I know nothing about .

I  donot think u have a good judgement.    At least , I open this topic here in order to know what's happening here for men and women because i read too many sex game message on this forum.  I think I am out -dated in my way of thinking of marriage and family life.

It is true.  I agreed with ur points about ranking  being a wife 's character on my precedented reply, such as health, personality....come first. It really makes good sense  ----- U are a quite different man .

But that IQ comes the last one  makes me stomachache. As I cannot believe u want to live with a woman who makes no sense about ur IQ.

Anyway, u believe it or not,  i donot want to promote anything here!  I am not smart enough to have this idea.

Thank u all guys here.

Let's stop here.
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发表于 2004-10-10 22:19 | 只看该作者

Please change your topic

It seems that you think married men who are interested in you are not good. On contrary, it just indicates that you are attractive but don't think those men are not good.
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发表于 2004-10-11 01:46 | 只看该作者


我先来谈谈对老婆的理解 ,人家说美国人总是认为好日子迟早会过去,而中国人认为坏日子迟早会来。你看美国人着眼现在,而我们着手未来。我想找一个能和我一起应携手白头的人,即使那坏日子来了,我们也在一起的人。
你说你来这时间不短了,我已经来这三年了。我就像那个瓶子里的魔鬼发誓再等一年,再等一年。。。朋友对我说别再傻了,赶紧去找工作,然后老婆就有了,直到现在我还是保留意见,我有朋友在卡城有很好的工作,现在也回到学校(阿尔伯塔),因为工作中没有中国人,看老外实在是没有性欲。我在那边有很多认识人,但人家都是拖家带口的,自己一个人单飞,。。。找到一个人再过去应该没有错,可这个“遁去的一 ”可不好找。首先我是移民,这意味这我不是很小,虽然长的还是不大。其次自己不是来这混的,有道是不是猛龙不过江,自己来这当然是要闯出一番事业,这又决定了自己不能“只怪夜太黑”,所以你也许各种活动罕见“我们的出没。现在人们已经很少谈上进心这个词了,大家都想要现货,可是又有多少人是嘴里含着金勺子出生的?如果没有共同奋斗的决心与勇气,那怎麽应付以后未知的坏日子?《中国式离婚》我没有看,但看了一些影评,有一句感触颇深,“共同岁月之于婚姻有时比什麽都重要”。我想要找这样的老婆,但不知这样的老婆是否要找这样的男人,一同去应付未知的未知?有人说回国找一个,如果没有共同感情基础,你在这样的婚姻里有安全感吗?我在这也不是找不着。我要是喜欢老外,早就找老外了,也不是没有外国女孩喜欢我。我们的问题还有一个就是,实际我们的选择面也很窄。我们刚30,小留学生岁数稍微小了一点(其实我是喜欢比我小的),而且好的就那麽多,好的大家都知道是好的,竞争激烈。岁数大的,自己又有点接受不了,我也知道“女大三,抱金砖”,可。。。(当然人好,还是可以商量的)。目标只有24-29的了,而实际上这个群体最抢手,外国军团,事业有成的,家庭离异的,两地分居的,还有我们蛰伏在校的都在行动,结果炒来炒去,佳人炒成了红粉--冷了大家的心,还引发了这里有没有好男人的讨论。
即使这样我也从没有停止过努力,苦李子和甜桔子 的理论不知你听说过没有,路边的李子树上的李子都是苦的,因为如果是甜的,早就被人摘走了;永远相信有甜桔子。我不信有些人说的好的没有了,这就像有人说世上没有处女了一样。小的时候我是近视,就希望别的小朋友和我一样,都近视(我很坏吗?)。


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-11 09:04 | 只看该作者
to 带....


有种! 人活着该活出一种精神,有一份坚持和执着,这也是成功的必备素质.

我相信你一定有收获的一天! 太多的人来到这儿失去耐心,又没有了国内拥有的捷径,于是迷失了自己!

而我希望有更多的中国男儿保持一份坦荡与超然, 努力与执着.

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发表于 2004-10-11 10:40 | 只看该作者
every friend starts from stranger, you have a drink with them doesn't equal to sleep with them, what make you so sure that you will be so "magical"? relax.

i rank IQ in the last place, simply because it doesn't have priority compared with those ahead of it.

yeah, time to stop and get started, if you know how.
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发表于 2004-10-12 18:23 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2004-10-12 22:46 | 只看该作者


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