Post by kguy
if you can't afford studying here, best way is to go back to china.
marriage can't change your life, sometimes make it even worse.
i don't look up to you, but also i don't look down upon you, money is cold hard thing, a precious resource, there is nothing wrong for you to say these, but i seriously wonder how many men will choose to send you reply, you are making it too direct, honesty hurts.
if you can't fit yourself to this place, why bother immigrating here?
I certainly agree with kguy.
我也是个留学女孩子,家里供我也很吃力。但我总觉得,没有什么事情是不可以解决的。我不赞成你的做法啦,但同时请相信我,我没有看不起你或怎样的。女孩子要懂得珍惜自己拉,而且“男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎。” 你的老公可是要比一张学历重要的多了。 而且,如果你这么做也许你会损失更多东西,例如自信,朋友,幸福,等等,,,,,,自己好好考虑拉,你还年轻哦。