楼主: 阿赖耶识
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发表于 2003-8-8 19:52 | 只看该作者
阿赖耶识 is just helping us. If you don't want to pay that teacher to learn English, no problem.
But please be nice to others. I found out that a lot of Chinese are really sick here. Why?
I am very disappointed at them, especially some Chinese in Montreal!
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发表于 2003-8-8 20:58 | 只看该作者
果然遇到高手了,幸会  wink  就像武学一样,文学的高手也是相对的,凡人不易看出的破绽在他们眼里都像经过放大,确实一针见血。cdavid兄有些客观的话还是有意义的,本人不是文学专业,对语言没有那么敏感,以前只知道英语说得让人听起来比较舒服,而且又容易理解就可以称为好了,但如果确实要从文学角度看,确实差别很大。这才想起来当年吕叔湘所说的"基本属实",说话是要注意注意。别下次到其他国家论坛自我介绍时,因为用词不当被人说成是中国的小学毕业,母语不是中文来这里招摇撞骗之类的    毕竟相对于北美的英文,我们中国人很多连普通话都说不好(那些不识字的就不谈了) 不管说什么,千万不能给自己人丢脸,尤其是面对小日本 wink  多谢kidding兄的理解,你说得虽然是事实,不过cdavid兄不像那种人,只是以职业的角度纠正些错误,有些话可能说得不是很动听,但确实初衷不是针对人,毕竟这里以前也有人当骗子的。大家自己人千万别误会了。cdavid兄要是不介意,能否留个联系方法(不方便就不强求了),毕竟这里需要帮助的人不少,但高手不多  :cool:
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发表于 2003-8-8 21:56 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2003-8-10 22:50 | 只看该作者
To subject starter:
我不知道这里的职业英语教师收费是怎样的,他似乎也不清楚,还说很多人charge a lot,言外之意自己要价已经很低了. 可能行情还是多伦多的
In Toronto English courses are so cheap like:

LINK: free of charge, plus day care and transit TTC;
ESL: $10 per semester
High School: $20 material fee per semester
, to name a few... and much more to come  :rolleyes:  

BTW, does this guy have ESLT certificate?
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发表于 2003-8-10 23:14 | 只看该作者

Agree with your insight on his originality.
我倒,就这种写作水平也号称"well known for my writing skills"
兄台,give me a break!!!

As per my Toronto ESL teacher, he would rephrase some expressions in that letter.

one and a half years - one year and a half;
my experience..., and I have... - structure prob.
I have..., but I have... - structure prob.
I was always..., although - tense, struct prob.
... plus many wording and punctuation errors.

However, honestly his English is good enough as a second language. I believe his English proficiency is for sure above the average of us Chinese new immigrants in Montreal.  wink
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发表于 2003-8-11 01:27 | 只看该作者
Thanks to mayi
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发表于 2003-8-13 01:57 | 只看该作者
sorry everyone i have a question to ask
what is the meaning of   opportunity makes thief
it is  my landlord words  it is a proverb?   
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发表于 2003-8-13 08:14 | 只看该作者
Once a thief, always a thief.
it is a proverb 2!!!
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发表于 2003-8-13 08:36 | 只看该作者
your landlord may know this Irish Proverb:
"It is not easy to steal where the landlord is a thief."               wink    wink    wink
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发表于 2003-8-13 10:01 | 只看该作者
I don't see anything wrong with his job-seeknig letter. To me, and to most ppl, language is for communication purpose, we don't make a living on English literature skills. If that person is experienced in helping ppl to improve oral skills, then each of us should definitely go for it. There's really no point to zoom in others' single word, as to criticize much.
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