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[联谊] 是我有病,还是……?

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发表于 2002-10-8 21:43 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2002-10-8 21:46 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2002-10-8 22:58 | 只看该作者
To Zee:

First of all, do you miss some my questions?

To your points:
1. “even the whole Europe is dependent on US,”
Are you making mistakes? The whole Europe throve from 14th century when the movement of humanism started. US is only after 2nd world war. What are you talking about? I am talking about the origin of civilization or the cultivation of the world. One step back, the whole Europe was dependent on US, US was depending on whom?

2. “african are way way behind civilization than Chinese,”
Can I get the conclusion that Chinese were civilized?

“however, South Africa, after being colonized by Europeans, is still among the most developed country in the continent.”
Is south Africa is different from other South African countries? What is the difference? From what you said above, Can I conclude that colonialism is helping the development of a country and a nation? Do I misunderstand you or are you misleading the readers? Can you give a definite answer?

3. “HK people migrated to Canada because they feared CCP to death when HK was handed over to CCP”
Why the Mainlanders should love to be under the control of communism all their life? Why they should give up the opportunities to get rid of communist control?

“I am not quite sure why Taiwanese migrate, but their number is not as many as those of HKness and mainlanders”
You yourself don’t know the reason of immigration of Taiwanese, Why are you curious about the fact that mainlanders were immigrating one after another? How do you get the conclusion “one after another”? Why you only ask the motivation of immigration of mainlanders instead of Taiwanese?

4. “i said as A GROUP.”
I admit there is some reason in what you said. However, AS A GROUP, why don’t give the examples of Taiwanese or Hknese?

5. “don't be stupid, son.”
Don’t use the insulting words, or I could be more offensive. It is an equal argument on both sides.
“it's a matter of perfection of system in Taiwan, while it's a matter of existence of system in mainland.”
OK, you may insist on it. However, perfection or existence, it is the same to me. You may think that it is perfection in TW while existence or non-existence in ML. What I can tell you is that this perfection exists in your illusion.

6. “Li Denghui is denounced by most Taiwaness”
You said that TW was a democratic country, at least everyone could elect whoever to be president. Li was not the person you Taiwanese elected? How did you use the democracy? How could you elect someone to be president while he did not represent TW. Can you further explain the perfect democratic system in TW?

7. “MT911 wants to make friends with mainlander fellows but get snubbed, that's because mainlanders are so evil that nobody can trust nobody no more”
Do you agree to the conclusion of passerby113, that is he (she? I am not sure) has two neighbors from HK and TW who are prostitutes here in Montreal, so all the ladies from HK and TW are doing the same? Are you willing to give a direct answer to this question?

8. “I don't negate myself as a member chinese nationality, I just point out a simple fact that mainlanders are bad due to the fact they are from a land on the road to perdiction.”
I don’t agree. There are good natured and bad natured people everywhere. Maybe you only meet or see the bad natured mainlanders, but your conclusion is not acceptable.

Finally, as a personal advise, spend more time to improve your English!
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发表于 2002-10-8 23:01 | 只看该作者
To Chench,

You were copying what Zee said before, but he himself has already given the answers. Are you willing to copy it and post it here?
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发表于 2002-10-8 23:21 | 只看该作者
太浪费大家的宝贵时间了,建议什么zee,lemontea chench把你们的观点亮给你们的西人朋友,看他们把你们当什么东西,与其在这里劝中国人被殖民,不如去动员殖民者赶快行动,保证用不了这么多口舌,马上会有结论,或许主子一说话,你会顿开茅塞。
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发表于 2002-10-8 23:43 | 只看该作者
还是那句话,众人皆醉我独醒,有幸结识到ZEE LEAMAN 等志同道合的朋友不翼乐乎!
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发表于 2002-10-9 04:50 | 只看该作者







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发表于 2002-10-9 08:07 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2002-10-9 08:21 | 只看该作者
I agree with black bird. It is time to stop arguing. Everyone has his own opinion, he or she can express it freely here, however, respect to others is required, and it is better not to insult others.

Zee, lemon tea, whoever else, you can share your opinion with whoever agrees with you, and stay in your circle, it is all OK. For me, I totally agree to what black bird said below: 作为一个普通人,我只知道,在国外待了几年就自认为高人一等看不起同胞是太轻狂,把某个地区的人看成圣人而把某个地区的人看成魔鬼完全是歧视。However, you can say you don't agree. It does not matter, you can keep your own opinion.

This website is open to everyone, and I personally think you will be welcome to continue to browse and express your opinion here. However, my personal advise is: try to avoid using insulting expressions while you are airing your view. Take it or not, it is all up to you.

Bye, my friends, at least friends we can argue.
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发表于 2002-10-9 10:24 | 只看该作者
TO ZEE:没有人能够接受你对大陆人、黑人的歧视态度。的确,大陆以前的政治压榨走了很多人性中美好的东西,但那是制度问题,不是人性本身。事实上,人本性既非善,亦非恶,而是中性的,哪里人都是如此,重要的是制度:是把人逼入绝境,图穷匕现;还是激发人天性中善良的一面?
TO IWON:嗨!一万!不要闹事!当心大哥我把你打个一炮双响,不就是不打幺九碰碰和了吗?!    再说还有一饼一条呢! 还有M你那八条姐,更没用!        
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