Not everybody feels your way. The basic clue is in language. Chinese are always Chinese, as simply the color and face can't be changed. Chinese can be part of the native culture, why 100% of it ? Of course, in addition of the language, more things to learn or to know are the western courtesy, and the positive side of the native culture. Be nice, be confident, be open minded, and be with people regardless of nationality, always try to do something as much as you can helping others, your would find you are part of the society, and looks like you live in a totally different world.
Btw, bear in mind, not all caucasians even deem they are 100% the same. Pretty much, they can be characterised by Anglican, Deutsch, Jewsih, Italian, Spanish, French ... thru different life styles, cultural backgrounds and personalities. There are many reading materials about it. In general, if you look into the history for the past five hundreds of years, Anglican is pretty objective, good in law, business and public affair management, Jewish is very good in making money, Italian quite hardworking and concentrating on big family life, Spanish very enthusiastic, Germany well organized, very responsible and excellent in science, music and philosophy, French always trying to show their individuality and being super in romance, art and agriculture. This could be part of reasons that, you can easily figure out, our Quebecois friends are fairly behind in management of public affairs, like infrastructure construction, public money and investment management,the biggest gov per capita throughout the world.
Do some study and investigation, find out the weak areas, seek solutions, you would find out you could easily talk to some native people. Then you by no means feel you are outside. |