According to those guys who have visited there,
there are also a lot activities especially for kids (good for these families with kids, but some of them need to buy extra "coupons" to play around.)
Personally, I prefer to be there a little bit earlier, the latest around 4:00 to 4:30PM (we need some time to gather the group).
Too options for gathering the group:
(1) Recommended If convenient for you) Some of the group members can gather first in the Parking lot of Wal-Mart (near Metro Namur, crossing High-way 15 and Jean-Talon), then set off together.
(2) Other group members can drive directly (without 集合 at the Wal-Mart parking lot) to the 售票处, and wait for the other group members.
The time can be set at 4:30PM or so.
Finally. two parts of the group can join together and buy the entrance tickets.
One question:
Is there enough space (also time ) in front of 售票处 to allow us 集合 ?
个人觉得在售票处集合会对不同出发地的朋友们更方便和省时,至于集合的时间,则以主要节目开始前半小时左右为佳.15日预告的节目是6pm和8;30pm升灯和热气球,9pm开始音乐会. |