楼主: HHello
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[联谊] Any interest on new group一起去看热气球 on Aug. 15???

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发表于 2003-8-13 17:02 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-8-13 23:12 | 只看该作者
HHello, thanks for all you did here.

we, about ten people, will go there with you, with cars.
i think that the start time may being 3:30 to 4:00 is better as somebody cannot be there more early, and that it's ok if we can arrive there before 5:00. did you count the number of people?

anyway, you can contact me @ phone: 739-1341, or email: mf_jiang@yahoo.com

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发表于 2003-8-14 00:32 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-14 09:08 | 只看该作者
Hi, eMike,

The total number can go beyond 50 (including those who never show up on the web).

And there are still more friends who want to join us, but without cars.
it is possible for your team to offer some seats for friends without cars?

I will call you some time today.

As you mentioned the set-off time, I suggested 3:30 PM, but quite a few friends still think that is a little bit late, since the traffice is always jammed on Friday, the later, the worse,
It would take us more than one hour to get there.
And, the worst case, we could miss the evening flight.
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发表于 2003-8-14 09:49 | 只看该作者
To  HHello :

You guys can meet at city Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Where just out of the highway, after the second traffic light (See the map of official website).  
There is a temporary parking place beside the road, which allows at least 8 or more car to stop.

The other way you can tell your group size to one cashier at the entrance: The quantities of cars, adults and kids. After that, one of you should accompany with her waiting for the others. She can sell parking and entrance tickets individually for each of your car inside the parking lot.

Hope you guys will be lucky too!
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发表于 2003-8-14 10:01 | 只看该作者
please leave your phone number, I'll call you to confirm the information. or call me: 514-768-8871 Mr. Li, thank you!
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发表于 2003-8-14 10:14 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2003-8-14 11:16 | 只看该作者
two tickets(for children) 热气球 to sell, leave your phone number here. I'll contact you as soon as possible.
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发表于 2003-8-14 11:37 | 只看该作者
My two friends want to go with you. pls call to confirm. (514) 343 0520. Thanks.
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-8-14 11:56 | 只看该作者

You guys were very lucky to get a wonderful weather yetsterday! and wonderful evening too?!

You gave a very good suggestion, but still we (at least some of them) need to gather at the Wal-Mart parking lot first for picking up friends without cars and pre-teaming up the group (some group members may not be familiar with the highway network and some group members may not visit frequently the web),  and then we have to gather again at the place you mentioned in case the team is messed up by the traffic, some new group members can join us at that place as long as they know where it is located.

In addition,  I called the Reception, the lady told me, it is better to collect the money (if possible in cash) in advance and pay at one time.
So I suggest every group member make cash ready:

every adult (13 years and up) $10 (including the parking fee).
Children (3-12years)          $5,
Children (0-2 years)           0

HI, 各位新老朋友,我们的队伍越来越大。
只要您(们)有车, 明天都可以加入我们的队伍。 不须事先与我联系(最好到WAL_MART 停车场集合。) 。 如车上有空位, 最好尽快让我知道。  
(HOME:6:00-11PM 276-0730 ).
没车的朋友们, 我们尽量调剂。 随着更多有车朋友的加入,朋友们之间互相帮助, 就有更多的机会。 (对不起, 现在,没有租班车BUS的计划。)

建议在 WAL-MART 停车场集合, 车队编号,出发,
到达 Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu 之后, 车队在 STLAURENT 建议的的第二个交通灯附近 重新聚集掉队或被红灯阻隔的车辆。

6:00PM EVENINGFLIGHT, 8:30PM 上灯 (天气好的话)。
作为团体, 我们最好预先准备票款, 一次缴款。
建议每人每家备好零钱 现金 (CASH), 我逐车收齐。
大人 (13 岁及以上): $10
小孩 (3-12 岁):     $5
小孩 (0-2岁)  :      0

(实际费用,大人 (13 岁及以上): $9
小孩 (3-12 岁):     $5
小孩 (0-2岁)  :      0
停车费用(每车):            $5

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