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[联谊] Language exchange外国语学习法语英语

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发表于 2005-1-18 18:23 | 只看该作者
in order to understand msg 17, you have to first understand msg 16.

The person who wrote 16 (s23) never did insult/attack you, the opponent was indeed nande who has attacked you in chinese.  In his "attack", s/he used chinese bad words.  s23 was challenging nande what a civilized way to attack you, (ie. using chinese bad terms) which, at the same time, teaching you how to use chinese bad words.  s23 said no wonder there are foreigners (anglophones, francophones, etc) who uses chinese swear words to Chinese on the streets.  

msg 17, he just doubted if s23 ever uses English/French bad words to swear at foreigners.  

I dunno if this is clear enough, my english is not perfect.

A side note for you: I appreciate your determination in learning chinese, it is not something bad to ask for a companion with the same age group, same interests, etc.  That is actually how people become friends most of the time, a common interest always build a strong bond in a friendship.  

I feel sorry for what has happened to you and your former girlfriend, I wish you will meet someone nice in the future.

Chinese is one of the most complicated languages to learn, have fun! Don't worry about making mistakes.  <Courage!>
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发表于 2005-1-19 02:27 | 只看该作者



I would like to teach you one thing you will remember for long time.
Meet me this week end, stand infront of me...and I will SLAP in your face !
I will beat you until your mother doen't regconize you anymore!

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发表于 2005-1-19 07:58 | 只看该作者
I just saw this thread today, and it was frightening to see all that has been said after Benetton wrote a few simple guidelines for potential exchangers.  I am also now learning Chinese and I also had to find a partner and from my experiences, it's a very good thing to find a partner who generally has the same interests and who is of the approximate same age as you. I, like Benetton, work really hard during the day and if I had to then practice with a strict teacher, who thinks differently, and who is also in a different age category (different beliefs)... This would seriously discourage me from learning an entirely new language. It takes someone with a lot of “motivation” and “devotion” to learn a new language on one’s own, so it would be very unwise to hinder that motivation in anyway.

After all, it's not like he is asking for some quick help in how to cook, or ride a bicycle. This is a new language and it will take a lot of time and devotion to complete! It's admirable that he has made it this far, and I only hope that one day, I will get as far as Benetton in learning Chinese. So if he needs a partner with a few simple guidelines [except maybe the picture, what were you thinking when you asked that one hehe]... by gosh, don't break his leg off and send him back to his foreign country crying just for asking for help!

Take care Benetton, and I wish you the best with your endeavors,

Apt (Montreal)

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发表于 2005-1-19 08:31 | 只看该作者
To elaborate a bit on why it's good to have a partner with the same interests and age....

- You can joke about something without offending the other.
- You can talk about your dreams because you are both of an age where your goals are similar.
- You can relax and have fun just talking about the latest movies or something because you both have similar interests.
- You can practice words and topics which you might find useful for your age category. (Like talking about relationships, or even those bad nasty words that men always like to learn first hehe ... Ta ma Di! or Ai ya! Ni hen piao liang!)
- You can be friends with your partner's friends because you will not feel like an outsider
- You understand each other more and can sympathize with the others situation, hence, you would have more to talk about and enjoy (if you have kids, you could talk about kids. If you want kids, you could then talk about that etc)
- etc

- You have to refrain from making any jokes or even acting natural because your partner has different beliefs. (Different age, different personality, or even totally different upbringing)
- Because your partner doesn't care, you stop caring.
- You get a partner that has a different style of look then you, so you are embarrassed to be with them (imaging someone who cares about their looks together with someone who absolutely doesn’t .... need I really explain this?? I will just say that it wouldn't last very long)
- You stop thinking about learning a language and instead you think about whom might see you...
- You cannot introduce your partner to your friends because you feel embarrassed (different age, personality etc)
- You are afraid you cannot trust your partner, so learning a language together becomes difficult.
- Because you don't like your partner, you give up learning a language. After all, it's not for school, and there is no reason why you should continue...
- etc

Apt (Montreal)
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发表于 2005-1-19 10:33 | 只看该作者

Shut the fuck off !

Shut the Fuck off !

I will not only break his leg but will hit him with a shovel in the head and burry him. If you wanna joke, relax, find friend, talk nasty go the FUCKing to the bar or karaoke. DANG you 2 are stupid asshole ! If i see you on the street I will SLAP you in the face too.

Post by Apt Pupil
To elaborate a bit on why it's good to have a partner with the same interests and age....

- You can joke about something without offending the other.
- You can talk about your dreams because you are both of an age where your goals are similar.
- You can relax and have fun just talking about the latest movies or something because you both have similar interests.
- You can practice words and topics which you might find useful for your age category. (Like talking about relationships, or even those bad nasty words that men always like to learn first hehe ... Ta ma Di! or Ai ya! Ni hen piao liang!)
- You can be friends with your partner's friends because you will not feel like an outsider
- You understand each other more and can sympathize with the others situation, hence, you would have more to talk about and enjoy (if you have kids, you could talk about kids. If you want kids, you could then talk about that etc)
- etc

- You have to refrain from making any jokes or even acting natural because your partner has different beliefs. (Different age, different personality, or even totally different upbringing)
- Because your partner doesn't care, you stop caring.
- You get a partner that has a different style of look then you, so you are embarrassed to be with them (imaging someone who cares about their looks together with someone who absolutely doesn’t .... need I really explain this?? I will just say that it wouldn't last very long)
- You stop thinking about learning a language and instead you think about whom might see you...
- You cannot introduce your partner to your friends because you feel embarrassed (different age, personality etc)
- You are afraid you cannot trust your partner, so learning a language together becomes difficult.
- Because you don't like your partner, you give up learning a language. After all, it's not for school, and there is no reason why you should continue...
- etc

Apt (Montreal)
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发表于 2005-1-19 17:46 | 只看该作者
呵呵, 我搞过也参加不少语言交流活动, 事实是这样: 不同年龄组的人有不同关心的话题. 年轻男女总喜欢讨论个人的爱情观, 对时尚的品味等等. 而新移民朋友则非常关心生计问题. 年轻人赶时髦总喜欢学些地道的外语, 俚语; 而年长的人则倾向于学习标准的外语, 比如新闻广播中的规范用语.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>

而且, 我还要说: 男女搭配, 干活不累! 我在网上认识的很多francophone网友, 有法国的, 有本地的, 凡是男孩, 给我回信总是写不了几句就完事. 凡是女孩, 都是email写得比较长, 信中唠叨她们的所见所闻, et tous ses projets etc. 而且还给我纠正我上份信中的语法错误.

<o:p> </o:p>

到了最后, 除了那些能见上面, 约出来玩的本地朋友, 在法国的, 只剩下四个女孩还和我一直保持联系, 那几个男孩全都不怎么联系了, 本来嘛, 大家都是男人, 就是不来劲儿.<o:p></o:p>
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发表于 2005-1-19 23:19 | 只看该作者
建议各位想练习法语的中国朋友去搜索法国人的论坛, BBS, 找笔友, 或者直接去聊天站, 找知音. 我几乎所有francophone朋友都是在www.wanado.fr上认识的. 虽然那里不是所有的人都那么热情, 虽然自己的用法语表达能力有限, 但想找到有共同话题的网友也不是太难的事, 欣赏Eminem那句格言, you can do anything you set your mind to!

还有, Beneton, félicitation! T'as fait de grands progrès en chinois après toutes ces discussions! 你比那些在论坛里征女友的人幸运多了, 他们很多人只因为某一句话没说好, 让人听着不顺耳, 就被其它人群起攻之, 被骂得那个惨啊 (比如论坛里某个台湾男士)
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发表于 2005-1-20 09:07 | 只看该作者


Shut the Fuck off 人马魔羯!

Go to school...Fucking bartard !
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发表于 2005-1-20 17:37 | 只看该作者
Post by compaq281
Shut the Fuck off 人马魔羯!

Go to school...Fucking bartard !

请讲人话, 多谢合作
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发表于 2005-1-20 21:50 | 只看该作者
人马魔羯 :
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