Let's first assume that Mr. Xu doesn't do any cheating intentionly. Let's also assume that the experiment of Mr. Xu was really repeated by many independent researchers.
But, this doesn't mean Mr. Xu created a machinary that can work forever without comsuming any energy.
Actually, there are many kinds of energy around us that we don't see, don't feel. But there are really there.
For axample, there are electro-magnetic energy from TV satations, from satellite broadcasters, from power lines. Just use a metal line, you can get electronical power, although it may be small. It did use energy in our environment. In practise, this energy cann't have any commercial application.
For another example, if you are very close a power line, you can even light a bulb using a metal line.
Besides electromagnetic energy, there are many kinds of other energy. Radiation from sun, from any objects with temperature over 0K.
I believe the so called invention by Mr. Xu is actually consuming the electromagnetic energy. If so, it is nothing new, nothing fantistic.
Anyway, to prove Mr. xu's experiment really didn't consume energy, first it has to be sure that there is no electromagnetic energy around his device, make sure no any radiation reach his device. Otherwise, Mr. Xu, please don't say you overturned the second law of thermodynamics. Please don't say you invented a "Yong Dong Ji".
I am 99.99999% sure his device is using some energy around the device, but usually normal people don't realize. |