楼主: labattblue
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发表于 2004-12-9 15:40 | 只看该作者


我只知道credit card, 不知道还有cradit card的。至于支票账户里的利息问题,银行客户专员跟我解释说为零。无论存进去多少钱,以package或者任何形式,利息都是0。/ m- J# {; R2 V$ X& X2 u# g
Post by Volant
& W0 ~8 C% e4 Y# M 又一个不懂装懂的!人家第一个帖子说得很清楚了 “想开存,取钱的账户”,cradit card 是 cradit card,跟银行没什么关系,在国外银行根本没有资格发cradit card,cradit card的决定权在cradit card公司本身!这是最基本的概念!另外,要是说的是cradit card,就不存在什么要收取交易费等问题了! 再说了人家是问哪里可以开免月费和交易费的银行卡,当然是告诉人家正确的信息,那里可以办得到?至于银行的经营方法和手段,那是另外一个范畴的问题。这里同时也牵涉到一个银行和客户自己双方权衡利益的问题。另外,钱放到银行的支票账户里,也不是如你所说的全无利息(尽管里利率很低),可你就是不要那个Package,钱放在支票账户里利息也不会多一分!要是拿去放到投资账户里1-2000$又能干什么?我只是想把知道的正确信息告诉大家,就是这样!
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发表于 2004-12-9 15:47 | 只看该作者
Post by Catherin 7 \/ {6 P9 i" h, ^4 O$ M
Dear Volant,
% t! l4 `3 A, ]3 ~; |- ^3 q 6 D7 _8 H+ l7 [  v# w8 }- |
Did you ever question why the National bank doesn't charge you when you have more than 2000 dollars in your account? 'cause they lock in you money and use your 2000$ to invest in the stock market or the money market. They are able to earn much more than the 5.50$ monthly service charge from your account. When you use your banking card to buy staffs or to pay your bills, the seller paid the fee for you, they have to pay «the housing fees». it's not free!!! this is the reason why I said that the BANKS charge for everyone of their services. You'd got a good deal from BNC, you're lucky, but don't mislead other people to use their banking cards without caution about the 1.50$/use fee when they are out of the limited number of transactions. Again, please be respectfull toward others. You're not helping by insulting others.
First, I never tried to insult you. Second, the problem you talked above is another area's question. I already explained it on my last post. For sure, banks play their games on their business (you think only you know that?), and they have to do that, otherwise how can they survive and make money? Here it is a capitalist country. Banks are companies themselves not like in China, and they need to make money! But as individual, people should choose what package or plan is suitable for themselves. For instance, you know stores are there to make money, so do you still go to shopping?
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发表于 2004-12-9 15:53 | 只看该作者
Post by Ecureuil 4 v* w$ z6 U% f
我只知道credit card, 不知道还有cradit card的。至于支票账户里的利息问题,银行客户专员跟我解释说为零。无论存进去多少钱,以package或者任何形式,利息都是0。

4 X% e  {3 z. `1 b. {我想没必要向你解释笔误的问题。至于银行客户专员跟你解释说为利息为零,我不知道你是哪家银行?我的National Bank支票账户上,每隔一段时间就会自动加上所得利息,尽管很少。
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发表于 2004-12-9 16:00 | 只看该作者
Being humble is a virtue, nobody possess the absolut TRUTH. Volant you got a good deal from BNC, it's nice that you let us know about it. But don't be too aggressive toward peoples with different opinion from yours. your 正确信息告诉大家, it's not so 正确 like you think. With 2000$ you can do a lots of things, you can invest it in peny stocks, you can by millions of them, if one day the peny stock become a bleu chip, you can earn millions from it!! so, be open toward others opinions.
/ J# f* A' ^# N: L; G * y3 f) b. `  T  H
Post by Volant
; D" i# }1 T# u 又一个不懂装懂的!人家第一个帖子说得很清楚了 “想开存,取钱的账户”,credit card 是 credit card,跟银行没什么关系,在国外银行根本没有资格发credit card,credit card的决定权在credit card公司本身!这是最基本的概念!另外,要是说的是credit card,就不存在什么要收取交易费等问题了! 再说了人家是问哪里可以开免月费和交易费的银行卡,当然是告诉人家正确的信息,那里可以办得到?至于银行的经营方法和手段,那是另外一个范畴的问题。这里同时也牵涉到一个银行和客户自己双方权衡利益的问题。另外,钱放到银行的支票账户里,也不是如你所说的全无利息(尽管里利率很低),可你就是不要那个Package,钱放在支票账户里利息也不会多一分!要是拿去放到投资账户里1-2000$又能干什么?我只是想把知道的正确信息告诉大家,就是这样!
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发表于 2004-12-9 16:15 | 只看该作者
Post by Catherin
$ d; [/ y/ o1 B0 B1 s- ] Being humble is a virtue, nobody possess the absolut TRUTH. Volant you got a good deal from BNC, it's nice that you let us know about it. But don't be too aggressive toward peoples with different opinion from yours. your 正确信息告诉大家, it's not so 正确 like you think. With 2000$ you can do a lots of things, you can invest it in peny stocks, you can by millions of them, if one day the peny stock become a bleu chip, you can earn millions from it!! so, be open toward others opinions.
Well, if it's a good deal, why not share the info with the person who wants to know it? Redarding investiment, any investment has its risk. And you think for a new comer in Montreal, which one is more necessary, openning a relative suitable bank account or investing in the penny stock?! " z5 v- l) u7 u+ f, j  V: _$ G# C/ C

( D! L6 X9 g$ ]9 f5 P% SI wish you have a nice day!
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发表于 2004-12-9 16:27 | 只看该作者
there are different ways to provide info to others. by sayins:不懂就别瞎说!or 又一个不懂装懂的!...you're not providing any positive info to anybody. Please e-mail to labattblue your 正确信息 and I think this is the best way to help him or her.8 c9 j# s' j$ ^5 L5 I% d+ ^

/ d* M. ]4 O& n7 s3 T. Y! k  IHave a nice day:wink:
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发表于 2004-12-9 18:27 | 只看该作者


  C( [3 B# u$ f) L* G
Post by Volant
& R& N! \0 t2 S: {2 I; r+ q7 X" K 我想没必要向你解释笔误的问题。至于银行客户专员跟你解释说为利息为零,我不知道你是哪家银行?我的National Bank支票账户上,每隔一段时间就会自动加上所得利息,尽管很少。
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发表于 2004-12-9 22:52 | 只看该作者
Post by Ecureuil
' l; w$ C7 f4 G( ]0 X" u7 i 我们就事论事一直在说蒙特利尔银行。我刚刚说的也是蒙特利尔银行支票账户不给利息的问题。楼下那位要开户的仁兄不就是在说这家银行嘛。直接到唐人街对面电力大楼里的那家分行去开户,有中文专员,就什么都解释清楚了。不过我个人认为不必要认准蒙特利尔银行去开户,别的银行也有各自的优惠政策,多问问就知道哪里更适合自己的需求了。
; |7 l7 \) _# t3 s
我建议你最好把所有帖子从头再看一遍,搂主说“其它银行也可以”,你自己前面的帖子也提到“一般的商业机构都... ", 怎么现在又冒出来只能说BMO了呢?你不说我当然不知道你是在哪家银行开的户啊!3 I. o/ ~3 h9 O3 O5 V

( b7 V% B5 i6 F/ w! D我同意你的观点“没必要认准蒙特利尔银行去开户,别的银行也有各自的优惠政策,多问问就知道哪里更适合自己的需求了。” 这也是本论题的根本所在,所以当然要告诉人家确切的信息,这样人家也就可以根据自己的需求来选择,而不是在不了解其它银行的情况下,告诉人家所有银行都没有!那不是瞎说是什么?!这一段不是针对你的,只是想把问题说清楚罢了。
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发表于 2004-12-9 23:54 | 只看该作者
Post by Catherin
9 j7 R" N$ {- G' E! [2 ?# x there are different ways to provide info to others. by sayins:不懂就别瞎说!or 又一个不懂装懂的!...you're not providing any positive info to anybody. Please e-mail to labattblue your 正确信息 and I think this is the best way to help him or her.
$ e+ s" `% \. O
+ L8 G3 l# q$ Y/ z  U  r/ a
你还越说越来劲了呢!搭理你两句你还不知道你是谁了?!这是个公开的论坛,再怎么样也还没轮到你来说不可以在这里发帖子!准确的信息当然要让大家都看到,至于你那种起误导作用的信息,才最好悄悄发个e-mail 就算了,免得更多的人受你的误导!这个论坛本来就有不少人不懂装懂误导人家新来的,最看不惯的就是这种人!对于你这种人还就得说“不懂就别瞎说!” 否则银行开户是小,要是误导了其它重要的事情你会对人家负责吗?本来你提供的信息就不准确,给指出来,你还口口声声说我没看清帖子乱发言,后来证明你自己在打自己嘴巴,你又偷换概念,把论题转移到银行本身的营业方式和手段上去,最后没辙了又抛出个peny stocks来。你不是鸭子死了嘴巴硬是什么?本来说两句弄清楚就算了,你还突然搞不清自己是谁了?居然要剥夺我的发言权!既然这样我还非说不可了,只是不要让我说出更好听的来!
4 A7 U3 Z* m& D# r9 e# [ 3 x& i. B/ c" T8 \. d2 _
Btw, there is an obvious grammatical mistake in your first sentence, and it is really funny!
9 v! z( T4 B& P+ i2 v4 J# q
5 T* Y3 }, ~' xP.S. I can choose the way as I want to provide infro! And I don't need anybody to tell me how to say things!
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发表于 2004-12-10 00:10 | 只看该作者
: e. r" ?/ W$ |/ B( |5 G6 { & K2 Y) \. y1 B0 @; k
他要是在国内还没来呢,就在北京的bmo分理处开一个账户,直接到这里就不用那么麻烦的注册什么了。$ O" F: c% D2 S7 X/ I) g
: [' T1 x: A2 M0 Q& u& t0 W* X! b
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