well, 大多数中国人都有针对地域make statements的坏毛病,比如上海人如何如何,老外怎么怎么,其实大家都知道这些statements都不是绝对成立的。
虽然我对台湾人没什么特殊的好感,很多方面他们跟我们大陆人的想法也不太一样。但是毕竟大家是同胞,人家在这里征友,有诚意就好, 愿意不愿意是个人的事,何必做什么人身攻击,处男啦,变态啦,让人觉得特别mean. 可能是这个论坛上刻薄的人特别多吧,以前以为都是男生, 现在连这位MM都被教坏了。哎哎...
其实对dmdmd印象还不错,只不过你跑到这个坛子上要来找twMM恐怕是没找对地方,你不妨去看看别人发的征友告示,有几个是不被骂的。 到最后还不是跟人对骂起来, 破坏了良好形象。
Post by angelacai
I am surprised that some persons said he is nice, maybe they did not check the posts he did before.
I have no probelm with Taiwan friends, but for you TWMD or dmdmd , you are really太沒修養了.
You said "我有指名是大陸人嗎?" but seems you did sth before!!!!!!
That is what you said"
1.大陸難道那麼多自大的無知的人物麼? 真是的. 覺得加拿大的大學爛的話, 那就*回去大陸吧. @#%#@$^$%^ 太自大了. 也太沒修養了. 覺得怎麼出來這麼多沒教養的???
2, 所以我說嘛. 大陸人做事最不擇手段. 崇洋心態. 一位…
所以我說嘛. 大陸人做事最不擇手段. ....
That is just some of the posts he did.
If one person always makes this kind of post, I think it shows something.
It is no problem for sb to look for love here, but I will never support the person who can not take the responsibility about what he said before!!!!
I will not be hesitate to tell sb else that he said a lot of bad things for 大陸人
In this topic, he can pretend to be nice, but check out what he said before,
狐狸的尾巴终hui露出来de了!!!!! |