To Lio $ _6 M# P" t5 O8 ~$ P9 i2 w# T" A$ R& M& `
you better call Bell Sales Rep and ask to update your save plan. They won't automatically update your plan.
I knew Bell's 17 cents plan, and already join it. Regarding this 环球电迅, DON'T trust it. I worked there b4. They hire 2 or 3 out-bound stuffs for couple weeks, then layoff them without pay the 4 percent (vacation pay). Boss named Anthony.
To Luckboy, $ R9 H, p6 O/ m2 N. K9 T: V1 `, b# X- y
BELL的话还是可信的,我半年多前加入20CENT计划,收费是这样的:第6个月的免费额是你头5个月长途话费的平均数,如果你在BILLING PERIOD中间加入,这半个来月不算,从下一个完整的计费期开始算第一个月。我在第六个月末收到帐单,他们自动将免费额扣除,还挺守信用的。/ w, Y8 `0 i9 n) i& y9 k6 y
9 s/ @1 ^* y ?8 g6 W J后来贪图便宜转到环球电讯--WORLD LINK,发现电话根本打不通,即便通了,对方也听不到。只好有主动回到BELL,现在是中国每分钟17分,没有月费,一年内有效,一年后价格可能会变。BELL让我到时记着打电话确认,也许价格更优惠呢。不知别人从BELL获得的消息是否和我一样。