In Condordia, the Hall Building, main floor, a man always sit there,answer questions about how% N3 }& {6 u8 O4 v$ C9 v; c
to "fight against" the "black hearted landlord",of course about how to take legal actions to deal with your
# t$ O7 D- H, l' v7 q9 x, X, _landlord. I once asked him a few questions, he is
. _+ e3 ?1 v* q' Y8 B3 _7 ?very kind,really want to help students.Consultant is free.
0 a# w; k6 B+ ?$ d! {& nI am not sure when he will be there, but I met him
, V+ ^! I9 ^& m$ N( ?- U- yseveral times at the HB, about 7pm. maybe you can
1 `0 v, L& `( p7 [$ W' i& yask your concordia friends if they know his tel.
5 C# ~+ J3 L) U8 d2 p; kor when he will be in concordia.
* a. S a$ _' d0 M) x5 w6 _; j# }I think you must take legal actions against your landlord, you will win. |