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发表于 2003-5-28 18:11 | 只看该作者
Pickpockets are also very active in grocery stores and restaurants in Chinatown.
9 L' Z: y! h! G3 ?My friends have seen a few cases.% Z, T( @) C4 C! x- {* ~" R9 u- b: K
I personally saw a victim in distress after her purse was stolen while dining in the buffet restaurant, Jade garden.
; U/ _; ~+ t" a# g" J0 i% Q( w/ c2 k: d9 c1 q, ]% _4 T
Not only pickpockets,
1 a# G8 q- Q; R/ ~* \as far as I know,
' i& Q" E: t1 {9 r! A% cthere have been a few cases of robberies
7 O7 O8 K* f) j6 p$ M  ?9 D* Hin the middle of the day in Chinatown.9 `0 f+ _, T3 g4 e* r" h

% B" B" D) q  I/ D$ i3 P. k0 T; bOne hot spot I know of3 N: H+ c/ R' c/ B2 g
is behind The Chinese hospital, near the Chiu Chow association, on La Gauchetire st.E.
# o. V  [1 o; yThere is usually not much pedestrian traffic.
( f4 E: G9 b  c# L; U; A, U; U- G! B4 x4 ^7 C
My friend was robbed of her shoulder bag by brute force from behind  at about 11am on one Sunday morning a few months ago.
7 P' i. Z% b( @1 j. n$ [( P# H3 y& I: k
The robber and his accomplice waited in a car) y6 f9 F! z4 S
for a while in that area looking for people to rob. My friend didn't see anyone on the street
! Q( Z' m4 F& Uuntil the robber emerged from a car behind her.
: D& ?( P, }0 }6 J' |After taking my friend's bag, he ran into a waiting car and sped away.: O/ |: w" ?4 [2 ]
6 T- L" G, h  [9 c1 F# o" l
Apparently the same people had done it before0 s' Z6 E- f1 w1 e6 f, F
in the exact same area a few times/ ?7 b0 g7 F2 V" C9 {) d
before my friend's case,
/ [2 y$ k: o0 e7 O" J( @then still robbed some more people since then.9 T; E! d+ a8 f# I6 F* l
So far the victims have been women.
# `/ _( `. H/ t* c9 |# P
5 H5 R# `3 e: C5 Q( \, _" @7 i' ^- @If you walk in that area,6 `# M( q1 k. r1 A
it is a good idea not to walk alone,
% g9 a) O; W- J  e  v# j6 weven in broadday light.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-5-28 20:36 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-5-31 10:43 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-6-1 12:57 | 只看该作者
蝥贼好防, 倒是华人中的汉奸大家须小心提防!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-6-2 16:43 | 只看该作者
眼看立“阿拉伯”牌坊也象以前的表演一样要“穿帮”, 汉奸又心生毒计,勾结同样歹毒的中东狗,利用智商不够的蠢货孙X光,嫁祸孙X茂。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-6-2 22:19 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-6-3 07:59 | 只看该作者
6 a5 i8 h& H7 ?' x6 \5 ~, c+ P% ~当您没着谁, 没惹谁, 而边上有个混蛋看您日子过得比他好, 过来非得给您泼盆胀水,恶心恶心您, 一而再, 再而三地企图坑您, 害您,甚至在广大有正义感的中国同胞的威+ j+ [0 I8 M( |+ ^( @
摄下, 不惜勾结中东狗无赖,干起为国人所不耻的汉奸勾当的时候, 请问您作何感想!!!!
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-6-3 21:04 | 只看该作者
你说得苦大仇深,我看得一头雾水.7 I$ s: O# Y/ V9 I% x
相信肯定事出有因. 但你的贴子好象贴错地方了.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-6-3 22:38 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-6-4 18:25 | 只看该作者
只会坑蒙拐骗, 妄想通过利用别人来维生的人可怜。8 w' g( T7 r; t1 a& l
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