I think you should quit all of your courses and your health is more important!, f0 Q( e5 L2 k
/ V! M$ l) z8 c6 |I do not want to scare you. However, one of my best friend's father has passed way due to liver dieases just in three weeks. He has had body check every year and he was only 60. You need to have a rest and do not scare too much. But you need have a rest for sure, for sure. Ultrasound is best instrument to find anything wrong with you. You can go to a private one which is cost about 100.00 dollar. If you want to wait a public Ultrasound service, you probably need about; x4 M. i& S3 ^2 \( O: p
one and half month or two months to get it and it is free. But I suggest you had better to go to a private one since the situation you have described is need instant action. Wish everything is good for you! , m6 {8 J$ B: _/ q
Your family doctor will have a list of private Ultrasound lab. You can ask for it. You can also ask for a recommandation for a specialist. How much is your ALT?