楼主: Jingren
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 楼主| 发表于 2002-5-28 09:35 | 只看该作者
3 m" x/ c: E6 W$ G- ]
/ }$ A" Z. i! `3 O+ r. S9 X“SO FAR, SO GOOD”(6)1 z5 O; d9 \! I
不要见笑,我一开始想表达“到现在为止都不错”还觉得有些困难,许多中学里学过的表达方?*?缫丫?垢?死鲜Γ?徊恢??鞘盏搅嗣挥校?暇狗?ㄍ蚶锖蒙?岣簟?n有一回老板问我,蒙哥马利安营扎寨已有些时日,“did you have any trouble?”0 K; k- J9 H! n! P: L0 H, z0 S% Z
1 u$ I+ S9 \* F' H“So far, …”' p% u) H) Q$ d
“So far, so good.” 他补充说道。
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 楼主| 发表于 2002-5-29 20:06 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2002-5-29 20:49 | 只看该作者
I think it depends on your chinese input tool.I used to writing chinese in njstar.it seems working well except typing quite slowly.
" o) `# K- O* V( b. R- a8 Pbut maybe the wrong codes is due to the technical problem of this board.as I feel,there are some apparitions abided on this board.    : p: l0 J$ }: Q
just try to post some contents to other bbs in order to prove it.
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发表于 2002-5-30 11:19 | 只看该作者
New joke for today, learn a couple of idioms:5 k; l2 d/ b' S4 ]0 m
GM vs Microsoft
7 {. M; s, A) i! M* Q" z! Q6 [7 z! vAt a recent  computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry  with the auto industry and stated, "If GM had kept up with the technology like  the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25.00 cars that got 1,000  miles to the gallon."
* q7 m; J6 F; M. y# q8 u* i: R7 M2 c  A- z2 j6 b9 A
In response to Bill's comments, General Motors  issued a press release stating, "If GM had developed technology like Microsoft,  we would all be driving cars with the following characteristics: 5 y; L& B& |7 }+ C: D7 Q' w
  e6 B3 G/ _0 _# e: q7 j: a
1. For  no reason whatsoever, your car would crash twice a day.
5 u* i+ e* }# m/ U$ D: E7 |1 M0 N' W! ?2 b
2. Every time  they painted new lines on the road, you would have to buy a new car.
# s/ r. Q4 N. z' z0 \2 Q* V* z; D) Y( F8 u; u" f4 `( G
3.  Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no reason. You would have to  pull over to the side of the road, close all of the windows, shut off the car,  restart it, and reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason  you would simply accept this.
2 c1 i; L# p6 c
' A6 y" W% ^7 y$ S4. Occasionally, executing a maneuver such  as a left turn would cause your car to shut down and refuse to restart, in which  case you would have to reinstall the engine.
3 M' A+ R  A+ n$ j/ d. s9 z7 V1 `/ w$ A2 O6 J# r
5. Only one person at a  time could use the car unless you bought "CarNT," but then you would have to buy  more seats. 2 k/ S8 }! O, @+ I
: U$ {" ^! _) t  x% E/ b  Y
6. Macintosh would make a car that was powered by the sun,  was reliable, five times as fast and twice as easy to drive -- but it would only  run on five percent of the roads. $ O  S# T, M+ v0 k8 @3 l: ?

/ h1 @7 B+ _4 B7. The oil, water temperature and  alternator warning lights would all be replaced by a single "general protection  fault" warning light.
) n  L( X7 G  D$ T- A$ Z7 z6 R6 e) j+ ^  X6 d
8. The airbag system would ask, "Are you sure?"  before deploying. $ J& b# m0 r3 {5 ^4 y( n7 q; K/ \. S
% |* ]3 G4 c% K+ S6 l2 b
9. Occasionally, for no reason whatsoever, you car  would lock you out and refuse to let you in until you simultaneously lifted the  door handle, turned the key and grabbed hold of the antenna.
! s' d! E. @, b2 K  D+ Z  P/ u9 B
10. GM  would require all car buyers to also purchase a deluxe set of Rand McNally Road  maps (now a GM subsidiary), even though they neither need nor want them.  Attempting to delete this option would immediately cause the car's performance  to diminish by 50 percent or more. Moreover, GM would become a target for  investigation by the Justice Department. % a2 [) q9 Z! x3 A- t
  t5 l9 Y1 ?, |
11. Every time GM introduced a  new car, car buyers would have to learn to drive all over again because none of  the controls would operate in the same manner as the old car.
5 w/ k. q  u: i8 U. s$ u5 r  e
! M0 @4 ^3 [. E% [5 D12. You'd  have to press the "start" button to turn the engine off
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发表于 2002-5-31 23:01 | 只看该作者
我需要写一个note给我的房东, 请他帮忙在我儿子的护照申请表上签字,这样写行吗?
7 h% F, [+ k* O" l* f/ d% z6 ndear sir, your mentioned that you could help me sign my son's passport application. i have all my document ready now.would you please give me a call at ********,or you can come over to my place after 6;00pm every day.i appreciate your help!
: ]" y/ W6 Y: k1 W4 T5 i: m4 |' `( B4 @1 @: g# m1 c) _
我想写的客气一点,但水平有限,请各位大侠帮忙!) x! |$ g/ u4 }  m. }
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发表于 2002-6-1 07:46 | 只看该作者
or you can come over to my place after 6;00pm every day.i appreciate your help!
or you can come over to my place after 6;00pm on any of your convenient day.
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 楼主| 发表于 2002-6-1 08:47 | 只看该作者
“泰迪熊”的故事 (7)
( H6 M0 T9 G2 ?  e0 j' c0 ?" E, j
“在windows文件夹的system子目录下,请查看一下有没有一个Teddy小熊图标的文件‘Jdbgmgr.exe’,那是病毒!”部门主管兼网管马克思先生用低沉的声音告诉我。. ]' c! I/ i2 ?' I0 Q# f
果然,我们发现了它灰色的踪影,而且每台电脑都有。6 `5 U5 U% o( w5 k3 F0 k7 H- _3 m' I
紧接着,马克思如临大敌地对我发号施令,“ DO NOT OPEN IT FOR ANY REASON。…Now, right click and delete it, then, go to the recycle bin and delete it or empty the recycle bin.” 我按照他说的把泰迪熊送进了回收箱。
: Y9 Z/ g6 v! Q* R  y4 k8 v半信半疑的我上了Symantec公司的网站,在那里找到了相关信息:
! l* L3 t8 A$ B# N! O4 `2 THoax message1 Z/ X+ A/ _+ C  T" D. R$ _
This hoax has appeared in several languages. Some are as follows:
' |! Z' h2 @$ `: u0 y0 ]+ N. rEnglish
2 i9 K& E$ Z. e5 GI found the little bear in my machine because of that I am sending this message in order for you to find it in your machine. The procedure is very simple:
+ b- o2 q/ n  G4 {The objective of this e-mail is to warn all Hotmail users about a new virus that is spreading by MSN Messenger. The name of this virus is jdbgmgr.exe and it is sent automatically by the Messenger and by the address book too. The virus is not detected by McAfee or Norton and it stays quiet for 14 days before damaging the system.( a/ Z8 m% c" j: n& T  E! |  n
The virus can be cleaned before it deletes the files from your system. In order to eliminate it, it is just necessary to do the following steps:! |$ d! l: o3 P' ^8 O' p! ]% y# b
1. Go to Start, click "Search": v, D9 d- B) B$ S7 b% r
2.- In the "Files or Folders option" write the name jdbgmgr.exe
: H) f% h8 `' M. x3.- Be sure that you are searching in the drive "C"- O0 N& F8 j& b+ A+ {
4.- Click "find now": x7 i. b$ H8 h3 R- k: B7 Z% a" s
5.- If the virus is there (it has a little bear-like icon with the name of jdbgmgr.exe DO NOT OPEN IT FOR ANY REASON2 ]$ |  X& {8 _# v
6.- Right click and delete it (it will go to the Recycle bin)
0 {1 x5 `6 U  y% w$ E0 `% f7 q7.- Go to the recycle bin and delete it or empty the recycle bin.. [* a/ m; m/ `% T7 N
……1 w: a) a, `) s. G/ q0 R/ N- A
当我把这一消息告诉马克思时,他觉得受到了愚弄,气恼地说:+ `" z* Z; f. m( n# W% {6 C; k
“Who is the idiot?”6 L9 j5 Y; l) E
“谁在说谁?” 我有些高兴地问他。
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2002-6-1 08:55 | 只看该作者
dear sir, your mentioned that you could help me sign my son's passport application. i have all my document ready now.would you please give me a call at ********,or you can come over to my place after 6;00pm every day.i appreciate your help!) ?3 _9 e8 O( |3 O) Q% V
-----------------------------------------8 C0 o7 t; g: Q) y* d- [' g/ ^* K$ c& H
dear sir, $ U2 Z+ S) T8 \: m% c
As per our previous discussion, i have my passport applicatino ready for you to sign. please give me a call before you come and i am supposed to be home everyday after 6pm.3 t1 y' {# b9 A' k6 h
your help is greatly appriciated!
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发表于 2002-6-1 08:58 | 只看该作者
montrealwinter, with all respect, your version is the worst on this board concerning that passport application. the origional one is ten times better than yours and wang8's is at least 100 times better.7 P8 u5 y" Z$ o4 j& e
ask the opinion of your native buddy. he might say your mouth is good for a blowjob, but speaking english? forget it....
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发表于 2002-6-1 15:59 | 只看该作者
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