Post by galfield;79638
I had same problem before even got allergy, so I went to see doctor and here's the solution which works fine on me.
1. 加湿器 I keep around 35-40 overnight.
2. aveeno skin relief bath treatment - one for one bath - every day, every two days, twice a week, once a week. I tried 3 days, and it back to normal, so I use it once a week in winter term regularly, if I feel my skin is a bit dry, use it more flequently.
3. try to take bath instead of shower, if take shower don't use too warm water. (I can't stand this, still use warm water for daily shower)
4. use Vaseline Therapy - it's a jar, a bit thick, I don't like it, but my doctor says it's useful.
hope it helps, if it getting worse, you may see a doctor (or just pharmacist) to consult. |